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The Forth
This summer I decided to try something a little difrent, and take up a new hobbie, this hobbie led to me haveing twenty grams of fresh shrooms on the fourth of July.
This summer I decided to try something a little difrent, and take up a new hobbie, this hobbie led to me haveing twenty grams of fresh shrooms on the fourth of July. I was siting in my apartment watching TV trying to figure out what I was going to do that night (I was going to hang with a friend of mine, eat some shrooms, and watch fireworks, but he took off for a family vacation in Denver.) Nightime was slowly comeing on, and I had shit to do, so the little person inside my head told me to fuck realty, and eat some shrooms. After injesting the 20 grams of mushrooms, I sat down on my couch, and started watching MTV. I was just starting to come up on my trip when my phone rang. My friend wanted me to come down to his house and set off fire works with him, and some other firends I said ok, and was off. The drive to my friends house was awesome. The entire time I felt like I was glideing down the road, and all around my field of vision fireworks where going off, filling the sky with dazleing colors. I made it to my friends house, and relax while I watched the sky fill with the most vibrant color display I have ever seen. Fireworks where going off all around me, and for awhile it felt like I was in a war zone. After we had used up the majorty of our fireworks, we rested inside for a few moments, at this point I thought I had peaked and my trip was starting to end, so we decided to drive around the country and set fireworks off from the back of my truck. I was haveing a hard time following directions, and we soon decided to go back to my friends house, take a few bong hits, and call it a night. While I was takeing my bong hits something funny started to happen. When ever I sucked in it felt like I was being pulled up into the sky, and when I let the hit out I would drift back to the earth. This fealing soon passed, and I left to head back to my apartment. The bong hits must have triggered something in my head, because half way between my friends house, and mine I started to see some strange shit, but I made it home, and enjoyed the rest of my trip in peace.
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