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Mycological and OMC abbreviations

Some abbreviations you might run into.

 Mycological and OMC abbreviations
 by FastFred (Shroomery) Copyright 2007

50/50  = 50% vermiculite/50% peat moss
50/50 = 50/50 with gypsum, lime, or oyster shell added to buffer the pH
AA     = All American (Company that makes the best pressure cookers)
AAPC   = All American Pressure Cooker
aq.    = aqueous (water based)
BE     = Biological Efficiency
BRF    = Brown Rice Flour
BT     = Bacillus thuringiensis, (i.e. Gnatrol) kills fungus gnats and other pests
CEV    = Closed Eye Visuals
CFM    = Cubic Feet per Minute
coir   = coco coir; coconut fiber; coconut "hair"
contam = contamination
D&R    = Dunk & Roll
DDI    = Double distilled De-Ionized water
DE     = Diatomaceous Earth
DEC    = Double Ended Casing
dH2O   = distilled H2O (water)
DI     = De-Ionized water
DNR    = Dunk N' Roll
DT     = Double Tub
EtOH   = Ethanol
FAE    = Fresh Air Exchange
FFAE   = Frequent Fresh Air Exchange
FC     = Fruiting Chamber
FH     = Flow Hood
FOAF   = Friend Of A Friend
FSR    = Free Spore Ring
G2G    = Grain to Grain [transfer]
GB     = Glove Box
GGMM   = Paul Stamets' "Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms"
H2O2   = Hydrogen Peroxide (3% is the standard available concentration)
HEPA   = High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor
hpoo   = horse manure
HW     = Honey Water
inoc   = inoculate or inoculant
IPA    = IsoPropyl Alcohol
IYE    = In Your Experience
karo   = A brand of light corn syrup (dextrose)
KOH    = Potassium (K) Hydroxide (OH), a strong base
LC     = Liquid Culture
LS     = Lab Strain
Martha = "Martha Stewart everyday stationary storage closet", a shelf inside a zippered plastic cover
MC     = MonoCulture or Mushroom Community
MeOH   = Methanol
MIC    = Minimum Inhibitory Concentration
MMGG   = Magic Mushroom Growers Guide
MS     = Multi-Spore
MSI    = Multi-Spore Inoculation
MT     = Mono Tub
myc    = mycelium
myc piss = mycelium piss, the metabolic byproducts of mycelial respiration
Mycotopia = A ripoff mushroom site which even stole this guide!
noc    = inoculate
nock   = inoculate
OEV    = Open Eye Visuals
OMC    = Online Mushroom Community
ORF    = Organic Rye Flour
OTD    = Off Topic Discussion; a forum for... yep you guessed it!
OZ     = Ounce
PAM    = PolyAcrylaMide, moisture absorbent crystals
PC     = Pressure Cooker; sometimes used as shorthand for P. cubensis
PF     = Psilocybe Fanaticus, author of the "PF Tek"
pin    = primordia, the beginning of a mushroom fruit body
PM     = Private Message (click the little dot left of the name to send one)
PMP    = Poor Man's Pod
poo    = poop, manure
ppt.   = precipitate
QP     = Quarter Pound
RH     = Relative Humidity
RO     = Reverse Osmosis, as in RO water
RTF    = Read The FAQ
RTV    = Room Temperature Vulcanization (a type of rubber sealant)
SBI    = Single Basidiospore Isolate
SGFC = Shot Gun Fruiting Chamber 
soln   = solution
SWIM   = Someone Who Is Me
tek    = technique
TiT    = Tub in Tub
TLA    = Three Letter Acronym
TMC    = Paul Stamets' "The Mushroom Cultivator"
topia  = mycotopia, a shroomery knockoff created to sell Hippie3's products.
v/v    = volume/volume
verm   = vermiculite
VOC    = Volitile Organic Chemical
w/v    = weight/volume
WAF    = Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry (Makers of the All American brand)
WBS    = Wild Bird Seed
WT     = Wild Type

ID     = Inner Diameter
OD     = Outer Diameter

 Species abbreviations
azures = Psilocybe azurescens
copes  = Copelandia cyanescens
cubes  = Psilocybe cubensis
cyans  = Psilocybe cyanescens (a woodlover, often confused with pans)
libs   = Psilocybe semilanceata (AKA Liberty Caps)
mexis  = Psilocybe mexicana (often confused with P. cubensis "Mexican")
pans   = Panaeolus cyanescens (a dung lover, often confused with cyans)
subbs  = Panaeolus subbalteatus (often confused with subs)
subs   = Psilocybe subaeruginosa (often confused with subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subacutipilea (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subaeruginascens (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subannulata (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subborealis (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subbrevipes (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subcaerulipes (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subcoprophila (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subcubensis (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subericaea (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subfimetaria (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subflava (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subfusispora (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subheliconiae (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subhoogshagenii (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subhyperella (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe submaculata (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe submaritima (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subovoideocystidiata (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subpsilocybioides (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subtropicalis (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subyungensis (often confused with subs or subbs)
subs   = Psilocybe subzapotecorum (often confused with subs or subbs)

 Common internet acronyms you should know
abv.   = abbreviation
AFA    = As Far As
AFAIK  = As Far As I Know
ATM    = At The Moment
BFE    = Bum-Fuck Egypt
BTW    = By The Way
ETA    = Estimated Time of Arrival
FOAF   = Friend Of A Friend
GJ     = Good Job
GL     = Good Luck
GTFO   = Get The Fuck Out
IDK    = I Don't Know
IIRC   = If I Remember Correctly
IME    = In My Experience
IMHO   = In My Humble Opinion
IMO    = In My Opinion
KISS   = Keep It Simple Stupid
LMAO   = Laughing My Ass Off
mod    = moderator
OFM    = Oh Fuck Me
OMG    = Oh My God
OMFG   = Oh My Fucking God
OTOH   = On The Other Hand
PITA   = Pain In The Ass
ppl    = people
pwn me plz = own me please (asking to be put in their place)
RTF    = Read The FAQ
RTFM   = Read The Fucking Manual
STFU   = Shut The Fuck Up
SWIM   = Someone Who Isn't Me
TC     = Take Care
TIA    = Thanks In Advance
TLC    = Tender Loving Care
TY     = Thank You
UTFSE  = Use The Fucking Search Engine
wot    = what, (I guess that extra letter is just too much.)
WTF    = What The Fuck
YMMV   = Your Mileage May Vary

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