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unknown level, one i wont forget in a hurry :-)

about 10 years ago i took 2 lsd tabs with friends, it was brilliant, first thing i recal as the trip started was, trails following cars down the road this was great but only the begining after standing about doing nothing but laugh for an hour or so we went indoors and sat down chatting, i noticed everyones voice had a slight ecco, i was sat facing two of my freinds and couldnt stop laughing at them, it looked to me as if, you had made 2 men out of old clothes and stuffed them with paper and put there heads on top.

about 10 years ago i took 2 lsd tabs with friends, it was brilliant, first thing i recal as the trip started was, trails following cars down the road this was great but only the begining after standing about doing nothing but laugh for an hour or so we went indoors and sat down chatting, i noticed everyones voice had a slight ecco, i was sat facing two of my freinds and couldnt stop laughing at them, it looked to me as if, you had made 2 men out of old clothes and stuffed them with paper and put there heads on top. There faces were morphing its hard to explain it was asthough things were under there skin streching it, it was great. any way after a while we all went home, i was till living with parents at the time. at about 1am, i walked through my front door and straight to bed. my parent were already in bed, so i didnt have to cope with tring to act normal in front of them. when i got to my bedroom thats when the fun really started. i turned the light on sat down on the bed and started to relax, after watching my waldrobe wable and melt for a couple of minutes.i put about a gram of cannabis resin in a pipe and smoked it, i tuned on the sterio inserted my headphones and turned off the light. it was amazing i could see colours and patterns and the music sounded so good, then it all went bad, i heard a click near my adams apple then for some strange reason i lost total control of my tounge, it was like when you get cramp in a mussle it fliped back as though it was going down my throat, i still had my hands under the blanket (probably playing) i grabbed my tonge through the duvet and jumped out of bed, the head phones stil on my head ripped out of the sterio which was on full blast and i headed for parents room, my dad was already out of bed due to the noise, i ran in head phones and duvet tring to shout get an ambulance while holding my tonge, my dad jumped on my held me on the gound a was going crazy i nearly bit the end of my tonge off tring to stop it going back, any way the ambulance came with its crazy blue lights and took me to hospital, i was sat in inpatients

for about half hour holding my tonge. the carpet in that room was jet black with two grids on it, one red and one blue, the blue one had smaller squares, it looked to me, as if i could fall through it. any way the doctor came out and called me to his office, first he told me to sit down and asked me what the problem was, i told him i was gonna swallow my tongue, he told me to let go of it, as its not possible to swallow your tonge while your conscious. I let go, a few seconds later it flipped back again but i let it as i felt safe in his presence, it went right back i felt the skin under it stretch and then it went limp and back down. it never happend again after that, the doctor looked into my eyes and asked if i'd taken anything i said no because my dad was sat by me, but by the size of my pupils and the was i was acting i think he knew dam well what i had taken, he gave me a tablet which to this day i dont know what it was and we walked home. thinking back now i cant remember feeling anything walking home, i think the whole experence in the hospital made me come down. for months after this i couldnt smoke weed without having an anxity attack which led to me giving up weed, i have smoked the odd bit since and it hasnt bothered me, but i still dont feel the same as when i smoked before it happend, i used to just laugh but now it makes me paranoid. i have had lsd again about 5 years after this experience and had a good time i now want to try mushrooms, i know lots of people who pick liberty caps in my area and its getting to the right time to pick them now so i may go find a few.

i have looked several times on the internet to try and find out what happend to me that night but found nothing. do any of you know of any simular experiences with lsd or weed, because i know for sure the tonge thing wasnt all in my head, all the skin beneath it was slightly torn and tender for days.

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