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The Trip within a trip..AWESOME!
Some might not know the area, but there’s no other way to put this story without the naming it all…there were 2 of us, we decided to get some shrooms and after taking it, we thought we’d go out to a club, but afterwards, we decided it would be best just to drive around and trip….
Some might not know the area, but there’s no other way to put this story without the naming it all…there were 2 of us, we decided to get some shrooms and after taking it, we thought we’d go out to a club, but afterwards, we decided it would be best just to drive around and trip….At 9:45 pm we picked up 2 8’s and a half of shrooms.
I had an 8th and a half and she had an 8th. we then drove to burger king and ate them…shortly after we drove from burger king, taking the back roads to Connecticut, it was about 15 to 20 minutes before it started to take effect for the fist one, and about 20 more minutes before I started to feel it. but driving through ct was the best idea, less cars and more woods and trees.
We drove around ct for about 40 minutes just seeing things on the road, the speed limit was 45, but somehow we completely eliminated ourselves from that applying to us, so we drove anywhere from 10 mph to 30, and we would slow down every time we see something amazing. We then went to a Cumberland farms in ct ,we called it 3.04 (price of gas) but after seeing how high the gas prices was we decided to go to Webster mobile.
We went to a park near the knights of Columbus in ct before Webster because it was on the way, and there Krysta decided she had to go pee, As I walked around the park looking at the branches of the tree that stood before me, I heard her saying something, I then went back to find out what all the talking was about, she had spilled her drink on the seat and all at once she said “lets get out of here”, My ass is wet she said, so we put some clothes on the chair to cover it up…Still on the back roads we got to Webster we went.
We pulled into Webster mobile and as I went in to pay for the gas, I didn’t realize how much i was really tripping until i went into the store. I tried to keep a straight face but the look on the guys face left a grin on my face… I paid for the gas and Krysta cigarettes. After getting gas we decided to go back to ct on a quest to see something we didn’t know.
On the road back to ct we saw a bunch of cops on the side of the road looking for something, we drove by them slowly trying to figure out what that was all about, on the road, we saw no cars, and on the second time around we were definitely tripping, driving slowly on the road just looking at things and talking in circles Krysta would say” I wish I had a maker so I could play connect the dots with my freckles” That made me laugh, calling Damion cause talking to him earlier that day, I told him we was tripping, and I’d let him know how it went, I had a conversation with the answering machine for about a couple of minutes before we got to the end of the road.
This time, when we got to the stop sign, sign was in 3d, the letters were popping out of the sign. We stood there for awhile just looking at it before taking off again. We were on a road where the road and everything around was crisp, even the dirt on the ground looked beautiful. As I tried to find the word to describe it, she said speechless, she read my mind….Speechless, it was amazing, We thought putting the car in cruise and driving would be a good idea, but after a couple of minutes we thought the car was trying to take us somewhere else than our intentions, so we stopped the cruise control idea.
We got to the end of a road that led to providence so we turned around to go back…seeing everything over was like seeing it in a different view, we got back to our starting point where going left would bring us back to ct and right would be back to Webster, it usually took about 5 minutes to get from one side of the road to the other side of the road, but for some reason either it took about 20 minutes or it felt about 20 minutes, at that spot I called nick to see what he was doing, and after talking to him the 2nd time without knowing it, Krysta started laughing, it was the same exact spot I called the first time, we took a left back to ct. at about 2 minutes later we got to the same location, and she said it again…” I wish I had a marker so I could play connect the dots with my freckles, I said “deja vu” she said “yea that’s kind of weird, but we were still laughing going 35 mph.
we drove in a circle for about 2 hrs repeating everything at the same location without realizing it, Finally we saw a car, and that broke the loop, we drove to an unknown place where we discovered a reservation type of buildings, we drove around it for awhile and took some pictures to remember our discovery, from there, Krysta wanted to go on a quest to find weed , I wanted to go on a quest to Cumberland farms in each town to by something…driving through ct, we found our way to the highway, now the speed limit was 65, but off course we went 35 on the highway, amazingly we didn’t think nothing of it.
Taking the exit towards Putnam we decided to go to Cumberland farms in Putnam. Time was nothing at this stage, we where in our own time zone, while driving by a ct. statie, we just looked and laughed because we were almost there, our destination…we both had so many things going on in our heads, we were ready to tell somebody a story about our trip, anyone really, we laughed some more as we pulled to the store, I went in, and at first I was just in a mood to laugh at the guy behind the cash register, I did, he just looked weird, his face was long and his eyes where different sizes. I managed to buy a 30 cent winter fresh gum from there. From there we drove off. It must have been 3 hrs later. We were on the back road to Southbridge, after awhile of driving we saw a sign for Webster so we took that. The whole night half the places we drove to we didn’t know, but somehow we felt if we go in a certain direction we would arrive here, surprisingly we were right every time…
we got back to Webster around 1:45 or so around there, and we where in a mellow depressed stage because we where going to be going in different directions now. After dropping Krysta off, I was off to my own house, I had a calm feeling, with my music playing in the background…. I got on the high way to head home, and there, I thought about life, and how everything that happens, happens for a reason, timed perfectly to the exact detail and order, it was a very deep insight, everything made sense to me, how everything works, it was definitely a good adventure…
I’m surprise I actually remembered so much about this night. Off course some parts where left out because my mind’s racing and trying to put everything as it happened. But that’s the best to my knowledge of what happened tonight.
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