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Super Shroom 64
As I started to Shroom everything around the screen started to melt and the floor looked like it was about 4 feet deep with all sorts of 3D visions. At this point my body was so euphoric that I thought I was going to passout. I cant really explain the things that I was feeling that night but I know that I have never tripped that hard before. Since then I have been experimenting with SuperMarioKart 64 and I am sure that this is one trip toy that will br! ing you to new levels. The only bad thing about it is that you can easily slip into a bad trip because it is so intence and can bring on early peaks.....but over all it is great.......ALL HAIL NINTENDO64 For these trips I dose between two and three grams of Psilocibe mushrooms and take about 10, 500 millagram vitamin "C" tabs..... good luck all!!!!!