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one of the best expeirences of my life

aigh so im 6'3'' 170 pounds and real close to 18 years old.

aigh so im 6'3'' 170 pounds and real close to 18 years old. i tripped for my first time last night and i have to say that it was amazing. i ate about 2 grams on a penut and honey sandwich, waited 10 min, then ate the other 1.5 grams for a total of 3.5 (1/8th of and o). i laid in my bed lookin at the ceilling waitin for sumtin to happen. i had a shawdow on my wall that i started to look at and it kinda moved around just a lil bit. from then on it just got more intense. according to the chart i think my max level was a 2. by the way i took them around 9:45 pm. i stayed in my room for most of the night. one of the coolest things i did was when i had to go piss, i looked in the mirror and i couldnt look away cause i looked so differnet, also the tile patter on the bathroom floor was really trippy. lookin outside at a law thats just been cut was also very fun. smoking a cig-watchin the smoke very fun as well. when i came down from my trip it seemed like i came down kinda quick from the trippy expeirence but it seemed like i was on a e pill. i felt really happy about everythign and wasnt stressed out about anythign...it was pretty sweet. one thing i wouldnt recommend is doing them if u have to wake up early the next morning because they seemed to keep me up till about 330 am. but when i woke up i was sober and really fucking tired and totaly out of it the next day. o and i wouldnt do them around ur parents or at school unless uve done em before and know how u react to them. thats my story. hope its some help


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