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nature boy
I'm writing about my first trip ever. It happened six months ago so It's not going to be non linear. A friend of mine had just come back from college in Berkeley for spring break and we had had a wild party at her house the night before. We spend the night at her house and woke up early the next morning. We got some Burger king french toast sticks, omelletes and coffe and we were on our way. Everyone told me they tasted like sh*t but I was completely unprepared for them. It made me want to gag. After everyone was doen we sat around waiting for the trip to start. Just as we were starting to trip. My friends mom came home and we all ran like hell from the house because we didn't want to hang with adults around. We went to a local park, the experience walking there was surrealistic especially since we stopped to talk to a friend of ours father who just happens to be on the local Police force. VeRy SkEtChY!!! Just as we hit the park it all came down on me. I'd eaten an 1/8 because I've had other drug trips and thought it would be no big deal. I stopped in mid stride I looked at my sisters shoes ( She was also Shrooming) and they were writhing like worms. The laceswere going crazy. I giggled like a sissy, but it was cool. We dropped all our stuff on a hill that looks into a basin. Everyone was smoking cigarretes, and I startesd getting down on it, becuase i got the notion that cigarrettes are a representation of man's complete industialization of the world rolled into paper we burn at our whim to smoke up as we see fit.Quite an epiphany from a Lucky Strike, No? I started really looking at what nature had to offer me. Grass and trees were fascinating. In the first hour a moth flew and landed on my hand. we adopted it , and named it Gelfling from the dark crystal. It stayed with us the rest of the day. a friend of mine brought a CD player and some of those headphones that block out all other sound. We sat listening to Dean Martin's "That Amore" while whatching these pimped out gansters playing catch with a football. It was hilarious, yet it was oddly touching the way they were friends. The music made it that much better, because it wasn't trippy, it was more like emotional highs and lows that went great. The whole day was spent feeding ducks and teasing Gease next to the pond. ( Man, are they mean!) After we all came down in 5 hours, we went and got a chicago style pizza.
I really wish I were more Eloquent in my writng so that I
could describe the complete depth of friendship and love I felt. It totally sound hokey but It was one of the best experiences of my life.
Nature boy
I'm writing about my first trip ever. It happened six months ago so It's not going to be non linear. A friend of mine had just come back from college in Berkeley for spring break and we had had a wild party at her house the night before. We spend the night at her house and woke up early the next morning. We got some Burger king french toast sticks, omelletes and coffe and we were on our way. Everyone told me they tasted like sh*t but I was completely unprepared for them. It made me want to gag. After everyone was doen we sat around waiting for the trip to start. Just as we were starting to trip. My friends mom came home and we all ran like hell from the house because we didn't want to hang with adults around. We went to a local park, the experience walking there was surrealistic especially since we stopped to talk to a friend of ours father who just happens to be on the local Police force. VeRy SkEtChY!!! Just as we hit the park it all came down on me. I'd eaten an 1/8 because I've had other drug trips and thought it would be no big deal. I stopped in mid stride I looked at my sisters shoes ( She was also Shrooming) and they were writhing like worms. The laceswere going crazy. I giggled like a sissy, but it was cool. We dropped all our stuff on a hill that looks into a basin. Everyone was smoking cigarretes, and I startesd getting down on it, becuase i got the notion that cigarrettes are a representation of man's complete industialization of the world rolled into paper we burn at our whim to smoke up as we see fit.Quite an epiphany from a Lucky Strike, No? I started really looking at what nature had to offer me. Grass and trees were fascinating. In the first hour a moth flew and landed on my hand. we adopted it , and named it Gelfling from the dark crystal. It stayed with us the rest of the day. a friend of mine brought a CD player and some of those headphones that block out all other sound. We sat listening to Dean Martin's "That Amore" while whatching these pimped out gansters playing catch with a football. It was hilarious, yet it was oddly touching the way they were friends. The music made it that much better, because it wasn't trippy, it was more like emotional highs and lows that went great. The whole day was spent feeding ducks and teasing Gease next to the pond. ( Man, are they mean!) After we all came down in 5 hours, we went and got a chicago style pizza.
I really wish I were more Eloquent in my writng so that I
could describe the complete depth of friendship and love I felt. It totally sound hokey but It was one of the best experiences of my life.
Nature boy