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My First Time

My first time was the best thing, well my friend got 5 lbs.

My first time was the best thing, well my friend got 5 lbs. of mushroom and he ended up bringing 2 oz. to my house, so me and 6 friends ended up buying a half oz. from him, well i decided i wanted to do my own thing that night with my friends brendan and dan. so the other 3 went to my friend jason's house for the night, and we chilled at my place.Well i was told to drink oj with pulp to make the magic mushrooms work better.So we ate a quater between 3 people, and drank the oj. Then i turned on Tool (the best music to listen to on mushrooms).And then i rember turning all the lights off in my house and turning on one black light in my kitchen. well an hour or so went by and my friend brendan looked like he wasnt feeling them and either did dan, but i felt the body high, well dan ended up going to meet his girlfriend down the street, so i went with him. As soon as i walked out of my house, thats when i knew i was tripping, the sky looked red(but it was like 10:30 at night) and i rember walking and i felt like enhancing the trip by going to get brendan and going over to this park by my house, well thats when my peak happened, when we got there i remeber running(i think i was geekin), there was a full moon and i felt like i could just reachout and grab it, but the way the lighing was it looked liek day time to me with the moon and no sun. well me and brendan just tripped out and layed on the ground having conversaitons with ourselves (some wierd shit, but it was the best) then we rembered everyone else, so we went back to my place and i was still peeking, it was like 12:00am then, so we jammed to TooL in the dark, but I rember all the lights were off, but it looked light inside, but anyways my other friends that split up with us ended up calling me and i knew they were having a bad trip, so jason ended up walking to my house and he looked like he was scared for his life, but i didnt want that to give me a bad trip so i went over to the feild again by myself, and thats when i rember looing at the moon and seeing clouds just warp into different shapes and they like went slow at one point and it looked to me like the breeze just took them slowly away, and everything that was going on around me just sounded liek music to me, well then i went to jasons, and thats when everyone there made me have the bad side of the trip, so i told them to fuck off and went back to my place and at about 4:00am i went to bed in the pitch balck...i've seriously never had any experience close to that before...

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