Home | Mushroom Info | Experiencing Mushrooms | Trip Reports | Level 5 | Tuesday, February 24, 1998 |
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Tuesday, February 24, 1998
I am 14 years old and I Trip.
I am 14 years old and I Trip. The trip that I had, was absolutly the worst trip
anyone could have. The day before the trip I went out behind my house and
picked about five pounds of shrooms. I stuck the shrooms under the fence so I
could get them in the morning when my dad leaves to work. I was just going to
trip at school, it was not my first time to do it at school. Six oclock I
started to brew the shrooms, about ten caps, 2 inch in diameter. Until this
time I had never really triped hard on shrooms, and I thought that the more the
marrier. So I added about eight more caps. I cooked them for 20 min. I was
waiting for my friend to come over so he could drink it with me. When he came
over he puored the shroom juice into the glasses, it was perfectly equal. Then
we started to chug the juiceit was 6:50. Ten minutes after I drank the juice my
feet and fingers had turned numb. This is normal but it usually happens 20-40
after you drink it. I was chilling waiting for the bus to come. When the bus
came I got on and sliped on the stairs. After riding on the bus for 10 to get
to school, it hit me hard. The whole football was melting, and I knew that this
wasn't good. But I played it off, by just acting normal. While walking down
the hall I was hearing sound tracers(I have heard sound tracers before, but this
was totally intense). During this first hour of tripping I was tripping harder
than ever before!(even harder than 3 hits of blue gel) I was scared shitless.
When I went to my first period class "GYM" I thought that everything would be
okay. I was so fucked up I could not even dribble a basketball in gym. I was
seeing shit that not even in my wildest dreams could imagine. I don't rember
much, but when I bent over to pick up backpack, I threw up. Nervous and
paranoied, I new I had to swallow it so I would not get cought. After that
class was over I was headded to Science. I stopped to get a drink, cause I knew
it would be best for me. While in Science class I was think about how swallowing
and breathing and stuff. After that I noticed that I in the back of my mouth I
started to cough and cough. I started to cough up blood. I spit it in the
trash can, tring to hide it away from everybody else. I knew that I still
hadn't reached my peek. I put my head down on the table and tried top rest a
little bit. I was getting tired, and cold and to tired to do anything. I woke
up in a hurry from lack of oxygen. I noticed that I couldn't breath, and could
live much longer. I saw my whole life flash before me, and new that I needed to
get some help. The only thing that I rember saying the whole time was "I would
kill to be sobor, I would kill to be sobor, I would kill to be sobor" So I
asked to go to the nurse, so I could lay down and relax and catch my breath.
After the intensity of uncontrollable cying, peeing, and shortage of breath, and
that bad experience of coughing blood running, I knew that I had to go the
hospital, I knew that I needed so help. I didn't want to die, and I new that I
was because I forgot how to breath. I headed to the coulslers office to confice
to my mistake. Then all of a sudden I was being asked millions of questions
like?, How long ago did you take them?, Where did you get them?, What is your
name?, What is your birthday?, Why did you do this?, Did you cook them this
morning?, What time?. I could not answer any of those questions I could not
think. About twenty later I was ridding in an ambulance, with needles sticking
in my arms, people taking blood, Iv's, and shots. Having needles stuck in your
arms, when you are on drugs is absolutly a trip. When I was in the hospital I
was think about my friend who did this with me, and what happended to him. He
said that his trip was good, but was over a 10:00. My trip lasted until 3:30.
I guess that it was just chance on who took which cup to drink in the morning.
I don't think that anybody can trip any harder than I was. I am now writting
this at home, cause I am kicked out of school for the rest of the year. Life
goes On!
Jake (Cy-Fair High School)