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The day i forgot how to breathe

i have dun shroomz about 10 times and most of the time something new gets reveal to me that i havent known before.

i have dun shroomz about 10 times and most of the time something new gets reveal to me that i havent known before.
This one was no exceptin
i was with 2 friends but i was the ony one to pop them. i usually dont smoke weed while shrooming but this time i did. every thing was gravy we were hanging out on a bridge smoking and smoking while i was gettin more and more engulfed with the shroomz. the more i stood still the more a metal bridge that doesnt move started swinging and swaying like those indiana jones movies in the jungle. it also started to raise into the air. i was really gettin into it telling my friends what i was goin through. this went on for about an hour( i recommend goin on a bridge during trip its fukin awsome, BUT WHATEVER U DO DO NOT JUMP)and for some reason i thought i forgot how to breathe i didnt tell my friends this untill after but what i was going through was harrowing. i felt like a fish out of water, so as time went on i grasped the fact that i was going to die and i came to the conclusion i am going to do everything as if my final hour is approaching. the weird thin is i diddnt panick i just came to grasp with my demise i honestly felt i was going to die at any time. so everyting i did was as if i was doing it the last time, no sorrow no feeling just reality. this trip has taught me about coming to tearms with death and how to live more clerly with more purpose seeing the hidden beauty of everyday life
thank you
if u wanna get in touch email rumer24@hotmail.com

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