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i love snow
i got this shroom chocolate heart from vermont i ate it around noon and then smoked some cannabis through my trusty one hitter i was feeling this crazy body high different from weed but definately good.
i got this shroom chocolate heart from vermont i ate it around noon and then smoked some cannabis through my trusty one hitter i was feeling this crazy body high different from weed but definately good. i didn't see anything for a while until i was in the denny's parking lot and the snow started to pile up then disappear breathing and thats all i could say to explain it to my friends. All the ice turned to water and started to slide down to one side of the parking lot in this pattern of swirls. Then later on i went to this girls house and i was taking a piss and the tiles were shiny in the bathroom and the surface turned to liquid and started to slide down the wall in this over up over down pattern and i knew it wasnt actually happening but it was fun to watch. also i drank a ton of orange juice cause i heard it vitamin c reacts with the shrooms and i think it worked. It was a good first trip. Shrooms made me feel perfectly content with whatever was going on. i was down for anything. o yeah i went to mcdonalds and there was this red haired guy with an accent who screwed up the order and i since he had red hair i automatically thought he was french so i asked him if he spoke french cause i take french and when he said no i just turned and looked out the other window u might have had to been there but lookin back it was hilarious.
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