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I would like to share some words from modern day prophets that intended to take humans into higher conciousness with their words and music.

I would like to share some words from modern day prophets that intended to take humans into higher conciousness with their words and music.in a time we so classify as the 60'smultitudes of people where turning on and discovering themselves and finding a catalyst into a spiritual essence thru psychedlics.for some odd reason the majority society dismissed them as absurd,lost,spoiled kids.as a result a counter culture evloved......blah blah blah blah.i pretty sure everyone knows the sad story of what happened and i don't feel i should waste your time trying to rewrite history and so on and so forth.my point here is we are coming making the same fucking errors we did 30-40 years ago.what the hell am i talking about you ask?first of all a fucking war has started.now i am not much for current events cause i feel spirituality should be paid more attention to then what carson daily thinks about his receding hairline or whatever blah blah...but i couldnt help but notice and hear that these so called leaders we have here in the great usa are sending ground troops to kosovo.to me that sounds just like another fucking vietnam strategy tactic that didnt fucking work ages ago!!!!hey i am no fucking political follower as you can see and i beleive whoever has read this far wants to read about taking a trip and so on and so forth.fine then lets get to that.again this report is about words and music that speak about strong spirituality and love.so now you ask why is this on a trip report?well because i happened to have listened to them while on mushrooms.....the first person that really inspired me during many quests ive been thru on the sacrament is roky erickson.his story is sad and does not seem very clear to me.there are various websites on him if you share the same admiration for him...his words go:"Bedouins in tribes ascending from the egg into the flower,alpha information sending states within the heavens shower,from disciples the unending subtelties of river power,they slip inside this house as they pass by.If your limbs begin dissolving in the water that you tread,all surroundings are evolving in the stream that clears your head,find yourself a caravan like Noah must have ledand slip inside this house as you pass by".again he writes:"Chaos all around me,with its fevered clinging,but i can hear you singing in the corners of my brain.Every doubt a boundry,every sound of riot,everything is quiet but the song that keeps me sane.I can hear your voice echoing my voice softly,i can feel your strength reinforcing mine.if you fear i'll lose my spirit like a drunkards wasted wine,don't you even think about it,i'm feeling fine...."

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