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Just Testing

I got a half and oz.

I got a half and oz. of Shroomies. I was told from my good friend that they were really crazy potent shroomies. So potent that I was to be very careful with them. I have eaten shrooms many times and i have never been to careful with them. I just eat 'em till there gone. It was a sundy night, and I was planning on eating them with some friends the next weekend. I was quite excited about how good they were. I decided it would be a good idea for me too test them just a little bit to see for myslef. At about 10:30 pm i ate aprox 4 stems and 2 caps. I took a shower and went in my hot tub for a while. About an hour and a half later I put in the movie Laberinth. I wasn't getting mych besides a small body buzz. I was ready to give up and go to bed when all of a sudden my bottle of canada dry started shaking and exploded in my hands. Then it all started to kick inn. All of a sudden I was in the Laberinth of the movie, i was talking to charactures and they wee talking back. I was there and it was beautiful. I decided that i needed to have a smoke and did so. I thought i was outside, because I was in the Laberinth. The movie ended when I was still smoking> everything went black. I woke up on the floor and my blanket was on fire from my cig. I rolled in the fire and put it out, but i floated away with the flames for a while. When I arose I was still smoking. I don't like somking in my house, so I went by the window. I didn't open the window though, just went by it, and somehow the smoke just floated through the window. I tossed the cig but into a candle and watched the wax soak it in. I was amazing with the dancing flames. I put in another movie. Somehow i floated through the T.V. into the cable cord and visited peoples homes who had cable. I imagined my face on their tv jus loooking around. I visited about 15 houses aroung mine, and when I cam back into my house. I was sent through the T.V. and landed on my couch. I got up and looked around it was already 5:30 am. I was going to have a great next weekend.

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