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ok so the day started out very sweet i had done a trip the night before infact i done more the night bfore than what i ended up doing tongiht any ways i was looking forwed 2 going to this party my m8 was down from the same town that i would end up in 2night and he had a bag off bud and heapd off beer and was palnning on shouting us al on the piss and we were chilling at my m8s house at bout 4.
ok so the day started out very sweet i had done a trip the night before infact i done more the night bfore than what i ended up doing tongiht any ways i was looking forwed 2 going to this party my m8 was down from the same town that i would end up in 2night and he had a bag off bud and heapd off beer and was palnning on shouting us al on the piss and we were chilling at my m8s house at bout 4.00 then one off ma other m8s turns up and hez like we should go out of town tonight and trip with one off my m8s whod id never meet before he was like 26 im 15 and ma m8 was 16 so im like sweet yeh marse well so anyways we cruised back to hiz place and and had a sesh and i had organised to get sum more shrooms coz the ones we did the night before didnt work so this 40 dolla bunch wuz for free so sweet we drove to my place his dad driving 2 pic sum shit up and cruise to mah hook up place to get the mush and we cruised outta town to his old m8s place and we ended up sharing 40 between 3 and i wuz kinda sceptical coz i took 20 the night before and didnt even feel nausia its was a shit trip wasnt even a trip nuttin happ.. but anyways i was like fuck i aint gonna be a stingy cunt so fuck it we ate them staright away and then had sum spots and sat down on the couch a laxed out there were 2 sobor ppl in the house to the owners flat m8 and his gf but that was algood any ways nothing wuz happnin then time was starting to go very very slow and we were like fuck this lets have a sesh this wuz 2 hrs after consuming the shrooms and all off a sudden it hit me like nothing b4 i didnt no wat was going on i couldnt here peole talking to me and they thought i was ignoring them but i wasnt just a misunderstanding (which is crucial not to have during , if u want a good trip) so i was pretty calm and quite not myself coz this guy seemed really pissed off at me so he paked another cone and it went round the circle and i dropped it coz i couldnt do anything my concentration level was 0 so anyways the sober guy who my m8s m8 was flatting wif took the oportunity to start playing with our inds that motherfucker duznt no wat he did so i started feeling freaked out and we all just grew into complete silence so i rolled a cigarette and aparently this took me bout 25 mins to roll one smoke and thats all i was concentrating on i was so fucked up i dont enen remeber the visuals i got i couldnt even seee i just had no concentration at all and this sucked and i realised that but my thoughts would turn into majour things and majour things turned into issues for me so me and my m8 went and watched tv and he was like fuck it im not into sitting around the tv kind off thing lets play cards and i thought like i was being forced to and if i lost i was gonna be killed by him (paranoiya 2 the eXXXtremme) so i tried to play but i was so fucked up the room was now so tense and everything wuz blue so i went to pic up my cards freaking coz i aint wanna die im oly 15 aAt this point pretty young to be into trips and shit but anyways i couldnt pic up the cards i tried so hard but i just couldnt pic the card up and all of a sudden i htought oh no hez pissed he gonna kill me so i went and i watched tv by my self (not actually watching it) thinking how the fuck am i gonna get out off this and this placed and all i could here in the backgorund wuz the owner of the flat moaning saying FUCK FUCK oh fuckin hell breathing very heavily like he was angry and he was but not at me but i was so fucked i thought he was saying he cant handle this little cunt in his house so im gonna kill him izz waht i thoguht he was thinkin but he actually saying i cant handle this trip so im like to my m8 man i cant handle this aye i think im gonna die and every body was fucked up and had a disapointed sad look on there face and they're all staring at me and im thinking fuck this i gotta get outta this mothafucka so i was plotting to just get up and run az fast az i possibly could and not stop till i gotz home but i didnt i just froze on the couch this iz the worst point in my life i aint had a worse moment yet and ive had pretty bad stuff happen to me but we aint get into that coz i didnt just have parnoid thoughts like i didnt no that this was the shrooms doing this to me i actually thoguht he was going to kill me like this was just a thoguht i actually convinced my self i was going to die and all i could picture was him going out side and getting a chainsaw and killing me and to make matters worse they didnt no this and they were paranoid that they were gonna die becuase they convinced themselfs while i was on the couch in the corner off the room that they were gonna die coz sum farmer had spraghed the mushees with fatal poison my m8 told me this so i had to deaths on my mind now and i was just triiping hardcore man scared az fuck man so anyways theres a party up the road and he knew the owner off the flat and he was getting chased by the po'po's (pigs ,police) and he came runniing into the flat now i had 3 very traumatick paranoid thoughts in my mind about a fatal conclusion coz i was toled earlia if u freak out to much your heart can stop so that makes 4 massive problems to my mind coz if the po'po's came in the flat we all had pupils the size off a penny and stoned az fuck bloodshot eyes this dont look good duz it so anyways we tell him to fuck off so he duz the git and then my m8s like lets make sumtin to eat so we go cook sum noodles but u canot complete any task while tripping lol specially like this and all of a sudden we here a knock at the door we like oh fuck we all ready new who it was YEA it was the police and they talked to the owner off the flat bout if hed heard anybody pass thru hiz yard and that was it he closed the door the noodles were black the pot was waterless and my trauma ended in a flash just like that i snapped back into reality az son az he closed that door
so turns out i lost my plot huh.. yeh well i kinda think it actually coz i still had the ones from the night b4 in my system and they hadnt taken effect yet maybe having more provoked them and i had bout 40 musheez in mah system at the time? who knows who gives a fuck seasons over now and i cant wait to trip on them freshly picked mushess next year huh
turns out about half a week later the fuckinfaggot police raded my m8 and found like 30 oz bags lol like 34 cones but no weed just a leaf
sams_tinnyhouse@hotmail.com .................Tell me what u think off my trip
so turns out i lost my plot huh.. yeh well i kinda think it actually coz i still had the ones from the night b4 in my system and they hadnt taken effect yet maybe having more provoked them and i had bout 40 musheez in mah system at the time? who knows who gives a fuck seasons over now and i cant wait to trip on them freshly picked mushess next year huh
turns out about half a week later the fuckinfaggot police raded my m8 and found like 30 oz bags lol like 34 cones but no weed just a leaf
sams_tinnyhouse@hotmail.com .................Tell me what u think off my trip
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