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Story bye CRT-Raptor OK this is going to be hard .
Story bye CRT-Raptor
OK this is going to be hard ...to describe ....coz shooms are hard to explain...
and I think I am now one off the most experiencend shoom eaters around ...
after reading ..alot off level 5 trip reports I find something ...missing...
or maybe I just have a different point off view .
But This story is about ....all my shroom trips ....I have had a few... I have this Idea
...I will explain it better if I eat shrooms at the same time ..so I am going to eat ...
the rest I have left from yesterday ....about a 1/4 off a gram ....
but the ones I got yesterday REALY kicked ASS...so lets see..............
((Eating mushrooms will be back in 15 mins or so and explain more)) ...........
ok I just ate the shrooms... The way I eat em is chewing them raw,
chewing them for about 30 seconds or so I washed them down with juice....
ok now I am going to tell about the first time I took the shrooms ..
not a very big trip at all I am afraid..hehe but it was good ...
I had meet this girl in a diskotek called Krasnapolsky
its in Denmark and I am a dane ...well I have been drunk and dansing ...
since I first tryed going to a disko at the age off about 17 ...
and thourgt it was very cool and I love dansing ..
but at the age off 19 ...about 3-4 month ago I talked to this girl
I had been seeing alot off weekends at this diskotek called krasnapolsky.....
I was at another disko called IN with some friends to a VIP party for the diskos ..members
and there I saw her ....shes got this power apearence ....and dances REALY...good ...
and after looking at her for a while she comes over and says hi..
shes kinda wild girl very wild
...I found out anyway....I hadent talked to her before that time...
Well she said hi and I gave her a hug and started talking ....
and after a while she told be she was
very drugged....but I dident get it coz ...she dident apear like being so drugged to be ...
so I asked her what she had taken......she had taken speed
(she dident tell me how much she had taken) smoked some weed hash or canapis or what u call it
she had smoked alot she said ....but I thourgt it was odd coz she dident apear very stoned to me
then she told me that she had ate some shrooms to ....
I dident know what it was then ...I had realy no idea how it worked and what it did.
Yes I knew it was psilocybin muchrooms ...
but I just thourgt U would see smurfs jumping around in front off your eyes
a day or to coz a friend told me he had seen that.
But as I was typing she told me she had bin eating these shrooms lately ...
and she was very excited about them....but she just said that ....
it was a bit like smokeing weed and laughing alot ...and so on....
so I became curious...and a week or to later when I was at christania ....
that famous place where u just go in and buy weed in denmark ...
I saw some muchrooms and I had bin thinking about eating some after talking with her ...
but my freind dident want to...that day so he just bourght some weed...
I bourght a gram off mexican shrooms and asked the dealer
how I should eat them ....he said I could eat them raw or make some tea off them...
but if I ate them raw it would be stronger ....
but he said they dident taste so good so I desided to make some tea off them instead
....so we went over at (månen) a place in christania and I got some hot water ...
and we sat over at a table I put the shrooms in all off them ..
my freind smoked a joint and I said I wouldent smoke
coz I wouldent mix it with the shrooms the first time ..
then we played a game off table soccer ...lasted about 5 mins ...
and then I drank the shroom water after collecting some guts
.....nipped at the wet sogy shrooms and thourgt ..hey they dosent taste
much different than normal muchrooms they just taste stronger ..so I ate them all
I sat and waited ...waited for something to happen ....but I couldent realy feel anything
after 30 mins ...but now when I think back ....my body and mind was ...
what u call light ass a feather ...and I became fresher ...
then we left ...månen... and headed home for our college...to play some computer ....
I played realy good 5-6 hours and then I played normal again....that was it the first time..
the day after I had no bad effeckts .....just plain normal...
about to weeks later me and my freind where going to krasnapolsky in the evening
...and we decided to eat some shrooms ...so we went out to get them at christania ...
and shrooms we got ...2 grams ..they where VERY DARK blue and ...dryed
..to about 1-3 off original size.. we went over at køkkenet and ...
we bourght 2 sodas (faxekondi) sat down....and desided to chew them for better effeckt ..
chewing allmost 1 mins and 30 sec or so each ....I chewed them a bit longer than my freind
we washed them down with all the soda all most at once .....we sat a few minutes and then left..
for the city ....we walked down dark alleys ...a creepy way my freind knew to get to the city ...
we came down past a canal..with boats and a little harbor ...or what u call it -...
when its a little ````(__)`````` in the canal
we sat down a bench waiting for something to happend ....
my freind said he couldent feel anything ...
and started to get a bit dissapointed ...I felt a bit fresh like last time.....
suddenly a boat passed out on the canal ....
the waves entered the little harbor and rebounded on the peers...
suddendly ...we both looked at all the little waves ...
and I said ...wow that was cool...(the waves was ruching back and fourth) with the moonlight
dansing in the surface off a tousand little waves ...I started to get a sensation off ...
readynes...joy happiness .....I focused on it .....and it grew bigger and bigger ...
'I became more and more focused ...slowly body energy was rising from feet
...all the way up my legs ..up my back ...creating that nice chill...up the back off your
neck u get ..some times when u hear the right kinda music. '
I asked my friend how he was feeling ...he explained ...and I found out he felt just like me ....
I haddent told him ..how I felt ...yet ...but ..then I just said ..cool I feel that way to lets
talk ...as we get more effeckt out off this thing ......he said ok lets get this show on the road
and we left the bench ....to walk though the city off copenhagen.. we walked up the brigde ...
from christianshavn to kbh ....and my joints in my legs arms and neck started to pinch a bit and
I felt dizzy...like when the world ...is flying around when u are realy drunk....
but with out feeling very nausius...my friend felt the same way he told ...
and said he was thirsty.... he said I need water now....
I will feel bad if I dont get some water very soon...so we walked ass fast ass we could ..
up to strøget and found the nearest shop where u can buy soda and stuff he bourght
... 1/2 a liter cola and drank it all in a very short time leaveing ...be only a little zip.
we where now at gammeltorv where the city court ise and ...sat down at a bench..
how do u feel I asked my friend....I feel dizzy very dizzy ...
(I felt dizzy to the world was spinning the colors and angels and my vision very oppened)
..like a horse whereing those claps so they cant look to the side
...so the dont get scared bye side movement...suddenly the claps in
the side off my eyes where gone, my hearing intencyfided....my body control where getting better
I could feel ...I could dance with my tongue to the music in the background a 100 meters away,
I felt a sense off peace in my mind ...I felt very excited ....(LETS GO LETS GO noW!) I said
....Yes my friend said lets get ready to bounce uh uh uh hehhe ;P
so off we went to krasnapolsky ....we told each other than if one off us started to feel bad
the other one with would follow him home right away! ...and then we entered krasnapolsky
the music was great there was lots off peapol... the lighting was increadibel that days ...so
went for the dance floor emidietly...and my friend sat down at a table .....
I danced like I never EVER danced before flowing with the beat ...control off my body right down
to my littlefinger ...dansing ...away...I was so happy coz suddenly I new how the world worked
and was all about ...I new about atencion and energy excange .....
when u are negative u steal energy ....when u are positive u built more .....and more and more
I built energy ....I felt my brain ....cook with power ....peapol couldent stand close for a very
long time where i stood on the dance floor ....but some girls ..
walked up to me touched me as to se if i was real and not a vision.
I smiled I look at every one in the disko...I accepted every ...one and every accepted me
and smiled peapol in krasnapolsky started to smile more and more ...the power was building
soon the dance floor was a shauna peapol was cooking with energy ...it was like a
focused atenna on the music like a powergenarator ....the doormand look confused ..he had never
seen something like this energy and power on krasnapolsky before ...and he saw
that I was the center off the energy stream.......my mind was litually cooked ..I felt my veins
pump at my tempels I raised my hands above my head took deep breaths ....
and soon felt the urge to drink more water...all I could think about was water ....I thourgt
water is energy ....energy is good ...I drank and drank....
5-6 liters in the timescape 30 mins or so suddenly I saw that my friend was look at a dude that
had taken speed lots off it ...he just sat there looking at him..there where
allso other peapol that dident go with the flow ...
about 10 peapol maybe couldent let go off there burdens thought and so one they where envious
and talked bad about me ....ho does he think he is and so fourth...I dident care ...I dident care
at all I just filtered them out .....but my friend couldent filter them out ...can got courght up
in what I call a bad vibe....so I walked to him and said how do u feel ...U dont look ok to me
and he said that he was looking at that speed dude ...and he said I can se him recking his body
with speed ..and it makes me feel bad .....I said just ignore it ...but I knew he couldent
so I asked him if he wanted to leave and he said yes lets go home to the college.
we left krasnapolsky and went for the bus at rådhuspladsen ..
we found out that there was 30 mins before the next bus went ..
so my friend said lets sit over at that bench and wait for the bus,
we had to 1/2 liters off water with us and ...and we sat down ...
I had talked about how kewl I thought the effect off the shrooms where all the way and the thinks
I had realized suddenly............. all the way ... to the bench ...me and my friend where
so alive and full off energy ....that all the other peapol at the square
seemed like walking zombies, I asked my friend about it and he shared the same feeling ....
we sat and talked for the 30 mins the bus came and I asked my friend u want to go home .....
and he said HELL no lets go back to that magic bench again ...
and we left the bustop for the bench...a girl and to mend where now sitting
at the bench at the other side off our bench.
We started to talk again ...they started to listen ...the woman freaked out
mimmicking they words i was saying mocking me ...I said cant U do better than that try to use
your own brain....if u want to assault me with words ...she looked puzzeled ...the just when back
to mocking me bye mimmicking be again...the mend did nothing they just sat there ...I could feel
that they where ashamed about her ...but they dident say anything coz they where her friends.
We ignored her for about 15 mins we wouldent let her win and leave the bench ...
but we soon grew tired off her and I asked my friend about going home
to play some quake in our little cave college room and he thought it was a great idea...
so we left with the bus and went home, and started with turning some great techno on.......
me dansing and my friend playing quake.
(((I will update this story later and fill ind the blanks and tell u about the next trip I had the best I ever had YET)))
(((mail me comments at theone666@solmail.dk)))
OK this is going to be hard ...to describe ....coz shooms are hard to explain...
and I think I am now one off the most experiencend shoom eaters around ...
after reading ..alot off level 5 trip reports I find something ...missing...
or maybe I just have a different point off view .
But This story is about ....all my shroom trips ....I have had a few... I have this Idea
...I will explain it better if I eat shrooms at the same time ..so I am going to eat ...
the rest I have left from yesterday ....about a 1/4 off a gram ....
but the ones I got yesterday REALY kicked ASS...so lets see..............
((Eating mushrooms will be back in 15 mins or so and explain more)) ...........
ok I just ate the shrooms... The way I eat em is chewing them raw,
chewing them for about 30 seconds or so I washed them down with juice....
ok now I am going to tell about the first time I took the shrooms ..
not a very big trip at all I am afraid..hehe but it was good ...
I had meet this girl in a diskotek called Krasnapolsky
its in Denmark and I am a dane ...well I have been drunk and dansing ...
since I first tryed going to a disko at the age off about 17 ...
and thourgt it was very cool and I love dansing ..
but at the age off 19 ...about 3-4 month ago I talked to this girl
I had been seeing alot off weekends at this diskotek called krasnapolsky.....
I was at another disko called IN with some friends to a VIP party for the diskos ..members
and there I saw her ....shes got this power apearence ....and dances REALY...good ...
and after looking at her for a while she comes over and says hi..
shes kinda wild girl very wild
...I found out anyway....I hadent talked to her before that time...
Well she said hi and I gave her a hug and started talking ....
and after a while she told be she was
very drugged....but I dident get it coz ...she dident apear like being so drugged to be ...
so I asked her what she had taken......she had taken speed
(she dident tell me how much she had taken) smoked some weed hash or canapis or what u call it
she had smoked alot she said ....but I thourgt it was odd coz she dident apear very stoned to me
then she told me that she had ate some shrooms to ....
I dident know what it was then ...I had realy no idea how it worked and what it did.
Yes I knew it was psilocybin muchrooms ...
but I just thourgt U would see smurfs jumping around in front off your eyes
a day or to coz a friend told me he had seen that.
But as I was typing she told me she had bin eating these shrooms lately ...
and she was very excited about them....but she just said that ....
it was a bit like smokeing weed and laughing alot ...and so on....
so I became curious...and a week or to later when I was at christania ....
that famous place where u just go in and buy weed in denmark ...
I saw some muchrooms and I had bin thinking about eating some after talking with her ...
but my freind dident want to...that day so he just bourght some weed...
I bourght a gram off mexican shrooms and asked the dealer
how I should eat them ....he said I could eat them raw or make some tea off them...
but if I ate them raw it would be stronger ....
but he said they dident taste so good so I desided to make some tea off them instead
....so we went over at (månen) a place in christania and I got some hot water ...
and we sat over at a table I put the shrooms in all off them ..
my freind smoked a joint and I said I wouldent smoke
coz I wouldent mix it with the shrooms the first time ..
then we played a game off table soccer ...lasted about 5 mins ...
and then I drank the shroom water after collecting some guts
.....nipped at the wet sogy shrooms and thourgt ..hey they dosent taste
much different than normal muchrooms they just taste stronger ..so I ate them all
I sat and waited ...waited for something to happen ....but I couldent realy feel anything
after 30 mins ...but now when I think back ....my body and mind was ...
what u call light ass a feather ...and I became fresher ...
then we left ...månen... and headed home for our college...to play some computer ....
I played realy good 5-6 hours and then I played normal again....that was it the first time..
the day after I had no bad effeckts .....just plain normal...
about to weeks later me and my freind where going to krasnapolsky in the evening
...and we decided to eat some shrooms ...so we went out to get them at christania ...
and shrooms we got ...2 grams ..they where VERY DARK blue and ...dryed
..to about 1-3 off original size.. we went over at køkkenet and ...
we bourght 2 sodas (faxekondi) sat down....and desided to chew them for better effeckt ..
chewing allmost 1 mins and 30 sec or so each ....I chewed them a bit longer than my freind
we washed them down with all the soda all most at once .....we sat a few minutes and then left..
for the city ....we walked down dark alleys ...a creepy way my freind knew to get to the city ...
we came down past a canal..with boats and a little harbor ...or what u call it -...
when its a little ````(__)`````` in the canal
we sat down a bench waiting for something to happend ....
my freind said he couldent feel anything ...
and started to get a bit dissapointed ...I felt a bit fresh like last time.....
suddenly a boat passed out on the canal ....
the waves entered the little harbor and rebounded on the peers...
suddendly ...we both looked at all the little waves ...
and I said ...wow that was cool...(the waves was ruching back and fourth) with the moonlight
dansing in the surface off a tousand little waves ...I started to get a sensation off ...
readynes...joy happiness .....I focused on it .....and it grew bigger and bigger ...
'I became more and more focused ...slowly body energy was rising from feet
...all the way up my legs ..up my back ...creating that nice chill...up the back off your
neck u get ..some times when u hear the right kinda music. '
I asked my friend how he was feeling ...he explained ...and I found out he felt just like me ....
I haddent told him ..how I felt ...yet ...but ..then I just said ..cool I feel that way to lets
talk ...as we get more effeckt out off this thing ......he said ok lets get this show on the road
and we left the bench ....to walk though the city off copenhagen.. we walked up the brigde ...
from christianshavn to kbh ....and my joints in my legs arms and neck started to pinch a bit and
I felt dizzy...like when the world ...is flying around when u are realy drunk....
but with out feeling very nausius...my friend felt the same way he told ...
and said he was thirsty.... he said I need water now....
I will feel bad if I dont get some water very soon...so we walked ass fast ass we could ..
up to strøget and found the nearest shop where u can buy soda and stuff he bourght
... 1/2 a liter cola and drank it all in a very short time leaveing ...be only a little zip.
we where now at gammeltorv where the city court ise and ...sat down at a bench..
how do u feel I asked my friend....I feel dizzy very dizzy ...
(I felt dizzy to the world was spinning the colors and angels and my vision very oppened)
..like a horse whereing those claps so they cant look to the side
...so the dont get scared bye side movement...suddenly the claps in
the side off my eyes where gone, my hearing intencyfided....my body control where getting better
I could feel ...I could dance with my tongue to the music in the background a 100 meters away,
I felt a sense off peace in my mind ...I felt very excited ....(LETS GO LETS GO noW!) I said
....Yes my friend said lets get ready to bounce uh uh uh hehhe ;P
so off we went to krasnapolsky ....we told each other than if one off us started to feel bad
the other one with would follow him home right away! ...and then we entered krasnapolsky
the music was great there was lots off peapol... the lighting was increadibel that days ...so
went for the dance floor emidietly...and my friend sat down at a table .....
I danced like I never EVER danced before flowing with the beat ...control off my body right down
to my littlefinger ...dansing ...away...I was so happy coz suddenly I new how the world worked
and was all about ...I new about atencion and energy excange .....
when u are negative u steal energy ....when u are positive u built more .....and more and more
I built energy ....I felt my brain ....cook with power ....peapol couldent stand close for a very
long time where i stood on the dance floor ....but some girls ..
walked up to me touched me as to se if i was real and not a vision.
I smiled I look at every one in the disko...I accepted every ...one and every accepted me
and smiled peapol in krasnapolsky started to smile more and more ...the power was building
soon the dance floor was a shauna peapol was cooking with energy ...it was like a
focused atenna on the music like a powergenarator ....the doormand look confused ..he had never
seen something like this energy and power on krasnapolsky before ...and he saw
that I was the center off the energy stream.......my mind was litually cooked ..I felt my veins
pump at my tempels I raised my hands above my head took deep breaths ....
and soon felt the urge to drink more water...all I could think about was water ....I thourgt
water is energy ....energy is good ...I drank and drank....
5-6 liters in the timescape 30 mins or so suddenly I saw that my friend was look at a dude that
had taken speed lots off it ...he just sat there looking at him..there where
allso other peapol that dident go with the flow ...
about 10 peapol maybe couldent let go off there burdens thought and so one they where envious
and talked bad about me ....ho does he think he is and so fourth...I dident care ...I dident care
at all I just filtered them out .....but my friend couldent filter them out ...can got courght up
in what I call a bad vibe....so I walked to him and said how do u feel ...U dont look ok to me
and he said that he was looking at that speed dude ...and he said I can se him recking his body
with speed ..and it makes me feel bad .....I said just ignore it ...but I knew he couldent
so I asked him if he wanted to leave and he said yes lets go home to the college.
we left krasnapolsky and went for the bus at rådhuspladsen ..
we found out that there was 30 mins before the next bus went ..
so my friend said lets sit over at that bench and wait for the bus,
we had to 1/2 liters off water with us and ...and we sat down ...
I had talked about how kewl I thought the effect off the shrooms where all the way and the thinks
I had realized suddenly............. all the way ... to the bench ...me and my friend where
so alive and full off energy ....that all the other peapol at the square
seemed like walking zombies, I asked my friend about it and he shared the same feeling ....
we sat and talked for the 30 mins the bus came and I asked my friend u want to go home .....
and he said HELL no lets go back to that magic bench again ...
and we left the bustop for the bench...a girl and to mend where now sitting
at the bench at the other side off our bench.
We started to talk again ...they started to listen ...the woman freaked out
mimmicking they words i was saying mocking me ...I said cant U do better than that try to use
your own brain....if u want to assault me with words ...she looked puzzeled ...the just when back
to mocking me bye mimmicking be again...the mend did nothing they just sat there ...I could feel
that they where ashamed about her ...but they dident say anything coz they where her friends.
We ignored her for about 15 mins we wouldent let her win and leave the bench ...
but we soon grew tired off her and I asked my friend about going home
to play some quake in our little cave college room and he thought it was a great idea...
so we left with the bus and went home, and started with turning some great techno on.......
me dansing and my friend playing quake.
(((I will update this story later and fill ind the blanks and tell u about the next trip I had the best I ever had YET)))
(((mail me comments at theone666@solmail.dk)))
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