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But all the other times were amazing..........?

Ive done shrooms a bunch of times throughout my stoner years, and this story takes the cake for me, So it started out my friend calling me up after a soccer game telling me he can get us each a quarter of mushrooms, now im 6'0 tall 142 lbs 16 and a male now if that had anything to do wit what would happen to me the next day then i wounldnt have done them, so the next day at about 12am my friends came over to chill becuase they all go kicked out of there houses.

Ive done shrooms a bunch of times throughout my stoner years, and this story takes the cake for me, So it started out my friend calling me up after a soccer game telling me he can get us each a quarter of mushrooms, now im 6'0 tall 142 lbs 16 and a male now if that had anything to do wit what would happen to me the next day then i wounldnt have done them, so the next day at about 12am my friends came over to chill becuase they all go kicked out of there houses.

So we were all chillen and i remember i picked up a quarter, and my friend happen to remind me so i said id take an eigth but before i know it i had already eaten the whole bag, and this is where all the trouble began.

I took my whole sac in the end and knew i was in for something unexpected before i knew it 40 mins had passed and they started kickin in, now i was thinkin i was gonna have a damn good time because booms for me in the past had been the shit but something didnt feel right, something unusual a sense of unwellbeing my mindset was fucked and i was thinkin all the wrong things, and worst of all my friends werent doing them wit me. It had started and every laugh done by my sober friends felt like a tidal wave of anger and depression, and before ik it the trip was going wrong eyes rolled back into heads and people making me more paranoid then wanted, so i kicked them out becuase they werent being very good sitters at the time. First mistake of the night i kicked them out now i was all alone in my house to fight what would be a trip to top all other trips and ruin my passion for mushrooms

I started to freak out noone was there to hear my screams nor to calm me down it was me one on one wit a most horrible advisary my mind, before ik it the quarter had taken over and death seemed certain, at first it was as if when i tried to go into my bed to calm myself and try to stop things that it made it worse, my surroundings moving bending twisting turning, never to stop when the thought that sanity was lost and i was already dead, i had lost all knowledge of being alive i believed i was dead for a time, but the only way to find out would be the worst, anything seemed smart at least to end the horror at first cutting my wrists seemed smart to see if it would stop everything, then i thought i have nails on my finger scratch and if you bleed your still alive so i did, no pain created but i scratched and i scratched and i found my blood after tearing through my skin i had found hope that i was alive and that i could make it through the night, i left my bed in seek of another way of trying to end the trip not knowing that being out of my room would lead to worse outcomes, Second mistake i went to the bathroom to see what else i could do where i made my second fault and looked into the mirror, but what i saw was not me, but somthing horrific and unexplainable as if melted and disformed i jumped into the shower in horror, mistake number three the steamin water felt as warm as room temprature water and was not helping when my skinniness took a turn for the worse my lack of fat would take a turn into what would become one of the worst visions, i shriveled up my skin sunk to the bones the kind of thing u see from a skeleton, fear had taken over and won my ability to move so i lay in the shower for a hour thinking for the worse i was shrinkin away to nothing, i lay there for a good hour and half and finally get out to see my anorexic like horrific image was gone back to the bed, i went and lay thinkin still of the worse when everything went black i wondeered if it were over but it wasnt but thats where my mind left me to pick up the pieces to figure out the rest cuz frankil i dont remember the rest i woke up feelin i overcame somethin but what is unsure as i pick up the puzzle pieces day by day i have a new found love of life!

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