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Bad Trip Gone Good

It was late I had just worked a long shift and was feeling rather tired.

It was late I had just worked a long shift and was feeling rather tired. There was the same old party crowd at my house, and I was in the mood to loose my mind.
I had tried mushrooms a couple of times before and had nothing but awsome happy experiences, but had no idea what I was in for. Well to make it short a friend offered me some mushrooms said he had enough for two and wanted to eat them then. Me being the idiot I can be, jumped at the opprotune. About 15min and a 1/4 bag later I knew this was going to be scary. I had one True friend that I lived with and he was leaving town that night. The guy I tripped with was a friend,but I had not know him long. ( Big mistake )
He tripped alot so he said and wanted to leave the party fine by me I was tired of people starring at me or what seemed to me as being starred at. Into the car we went I was rushed by feelings of fear, anxiety, and death.Ridin in a car with someone you dont know well tripping as I was was frightning. We ended up on some gravel road by this huge water tower. This is where all reallity vanished forever. I remember running around as if a child spinning, jumping yelling about how alive I fealt. I sat in the grass running my fingers through it feeling like we were one and the same.My vision kept breaking down everything into little cubits and I could see that all these cubits all fit together including me the trees all the plants.I could feel energy comming out of the ground. I fealt a connection of all living things, its hard to explain but it was a connection of life, to all humans as one great species. Heaven on earth. I no longer fealt human but rather animal like, and everyone from this point seemed animal like. I still was very nervous feeling and my stomach rolled until I puked some foamy type substance. Which enhanced the trip like someone putting a turbo nitros on your brain and putting the petal to the metal. This scared me sensless death seemed to look me in the eye at all times and in an instance I could see death all around me in all forms. I tried to speak but this did no good, my brain stuck in an eternal loop looking for answers of some sort after a while I got the point across that I needed to go home. In an instance we were back, I had no Idea how but here I am at my door. I opened the door and all the people were still there and they were really starring at me this time all waiting for me to do somthing stupid I didnt let them down I walked straight over to the counter pulled the flowers out of the glass and drank the water, It happed so fast I dont know I was in a loop all I could think was water. With everyone laughing at me I just freaked from this point on. I locked myself in my room where I fealt safe but people kept bangin on the door I thought they were all out to get me. I was very scared I wanted my mom or my dad or any close person but I trusted no one there. After crashing my room crying praying for someone I trusted. My only comfort was the feeling that everything was making sense, life the big picture of this world.I laid on the floor with my head in a basket unwieving it with my mind. Boom the door opened what! I swore I locked it I quickly kicked it shut, and locked it for sure this time. I suddenly lost time I thought I had been out of it for days. My room was a mess I tried to pick up but only messed it up worse, the mess really bothered me. I fealt dirty seeing all my sins and all the meaning in life that I had been overlooking. This was a harsh unstanding that my life was built around fake reallity.
After what seemed endless time I built the courage to escape my room. I put on a coat grabbed a few pointless things, down stairs I went through the gauntlet of people and questions they tried talking to me and asked where I was going I just ran to my car fired it up and started a wild journey home (Over an hour away). Leaving the area I fealt like it was the slums I saw cars burning people starring I even remember ducking down when other cars went by thinking I would be shot at. My car fealt old worn and hard to drive. Everything was different as if I had never drove any of these roads. After about I might guess 30min or so I found the highway. Thankfully it was late not much traffic
The drive was scary I wasnt sure if I was dead or someone else or born again. I fealt God looking right at me and I couldnt hide anything. I thought maybee i was to live in this perfect heaven which I saw earth as and the past was just some type of test. 30 miles later and 1000000 thoughts I decieded to make a layover to try to find a close friend of mines house I thought he could help me calm down. Big mistake Lost in this city I stopped in a gass station. After stopping I realized I had no shoes or socks on and the reason I was sweating was that heater was on full and I had one coat on over another coat. Luck had it that I had some old shoes in the back. Entering the station It was obvious that I was out there I asked for a phone book only to realize I had lost all ability to read, still always thinking of water I grabbed a bottle of water and took it to the counter only to find I had no $$$. The clerk seemed very concerned gave me some free water and asked if she could help me. I thanked her and left in a hurry. Back in the car and lost driving around I kept seeing these churches maybee it was me but they seemed to be everywhere. one church I remember said somthing about the end and If you were ready on thier billboard. I took this literal, exploding my mind again. I remember stopping to pick up a hitchiker or maybee I stopped thinking he needed a ride I dont know , he gave me a strange look and said no thanks. some how I found the highway home, I saw things buildings signs like i was in the future stuff that had never been there before. After what seemed hours I found my way home strangely though no one was there I fealt so dirty so I cleaned up Still not sure what I was when it was or If any of this was real. Finally the door opens and its my dad I asked him if he was real and gave him a huge hug. My dad the old tripper that he was said son are you tripping I said no dad I just ate these mushrooms. I tried to explain my thoughts It did no good. He could see that I just wanted to sleep I laid in my old bed and awoke a new person.

I have not been the same its been nearly a year now. I see beauty in things like nature and have a much larger respect for this planet. I think I am a stronger better all around person and maybee a little wiser. Tripping is somthing that can only be explained in your own mind. I reccomend shrooms to anyone seeking spiritul and mental growth.
Be with a close freind
Be in a good state of mind before consumption
Dont eat them tired or after a long day
Dont DRIVE!!
well have fun be safe

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