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Classical Relay

This trip took place 2 days ago, it was my first trip and i gotta write while it is fresh in my mind.

This trip took place 2 days ago, it was my first trip and i gotta write while it is fresh in my mind. It was a friday night and me and my friend justin were bored, so we decided to get some shrooms. I neither one of us had tripped before so it was very stupid not to have a sitter, but we took the chance anyways. It was about 7:00 when we got the shrooms we got 50$ worth and halfed it up. I had no idea how long it took to kick in or how long it would last, We had tripped DXM before so I figured it would last about the same. Anyways about an hour past and nothing but a cramp in my stomach was happening. That continued for about hour with still no sign of my trip. We were very pissed off at this point so we fired up a philly. it tooks us 30 min. just to smoke it and when we were done my stomach stopped hurting. I was toasted and had almost forgot I had even took the damn shrooms. We decided to go downstairs and sit for a while. As I started to go down the stairs I could hear classical music downstairs. I started laughing but it did not go away. I remember walking down the stairs but the stairs not being stairs. They were a brown mist, the banister swirled and flashed. Not bright, more dark. Then all of a sudden it was like I snapped back into reality. As if no time had passed we were still walking down the stairs. Even justin was still on the same step that he was when I faded out. I fuckin freaked and explained to him, but when I tried to talk no sound came out, then it was like I was looking at myself from his point of view....I watched myself walk the rest of the way down the stairs and sit on the couch. Then once again It was like I snapped back into reality. I layed their and tried to think but when I shut my eyes it was like I was in a tunnel of greens and blues. I felt like my mind was being lifted from my body, and I heared the classical music again it was fast this time and I went with it. I went up and up and up, (not like in the sky) it was like I was going up yet standing still, it is hard to explain. It seemed like years I went up. Then all I remember is waking up with my face on the floor . only an hour had passed and it had seemed like a lifetime. The rest of the night I was fine, and was not even high anymore. I had many questions about my life and my existence answered without having to ask or even hearing the answers....pretty weird but I know that I now have a drug of choice. Welp hope you enjoyed my trip cuz I sure as hell did

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