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Too much
After 3 hours of driving around town to get these damn things, i was relieved to be home and said to my 2 tripmates, "fuck it, i'm gonna trip hard" which is a really bad idea for a first timer.
After 3 hours of driving around town to get these damn things, i was relieved to be home and said to my 2 tripmates, "fuck it, i'm gonna trip hard" which is a really bad idea for a first timer. So i proceeded to weigh my 5 grams of mushrooms and ate them with some yogurt. We all went in the back yard to wait for them to hit. I started to feel kinda stoney so i decided to go for a swim in the pool. I got in and swam around underwater, and when i came up, all the plants in my yard were swaying in harmony and my kitten, who now had 6 legs and golden fur, came to the pool side and licked my nose. it was awsome. But then things got a little too intense.
We went inside and my friends began to morph back and forth between old men and babies. We rolled around on the floor and slid down the stairs yelling really loud to play with the fat echo (much like one does in a tunnel). After that, this got WAY too intense.
I blanked and some how i ended up on the couch. As far as i was concerned, i was the last being in the universe and consisted only of conscienceness. Not cool at all. I wanted to scream but couldn't. I was stuck in an endless loop of time. It was appearent that i had 2 choices: exist like this for eternity or kill myself. I chose the former. Then somehow i ended up in my room, naked on my bed. Beyond my closed door lied untold horror and misery, so i locked it. I then got dressed and sat on my bed, and blanked out again.
When i came back, my friends kept talking to me, and i could understand them, but when i replied to their questions, i had no idea what i was saying, so they laughed at me. "Poor guy, can't even speak english" i can remember them saying. I couln't comprehend anything around me. I had no idea where i was or what anything was. i can't describe my confusion. Then i found myself aimlessly wandering the house picking things up and sorting them. One thing at a time began to make sense. First i recognized my computer, then my shorts, then my friends, and so on for a half hour or so until i was sane, but very disturbed.
I was still trying to process what had happened, and my constantly morping hands weren't helping. My friend, in the process of trying to comfort me, morphed into a demon. I decided i needed some music. I sat down and began to chill out, staring at a potted plant that was swaying with the beat. After that i was pretty much down.
We went inside and my friends began to morph back and forth between old men and babies. We rolled around on the floor and slid down the stairs yelling really loud to play with the fat echo (much like one does in a tunnel). After that, this got WAY too intense.
I blanked and some how i ended up on the couch. As far as i was concerned, i was the last being in the universe and consisted only of conscienceness. Not cool at all. I wanted to scream but couldn't. I was stuck in an endless loop of time. It was appearent that i had 2 choices: exist like this for eternity or kill myself. I chose the former. Then somehow i ended up in my room, naked on my bed. Beyond my closed door lied untold horror and misery, so i locked it. I then got dressed and sat on my bed, and blanked out again.
When i came back, my friends kept talking to me, and i could understand them, but when i replied to their questions, i had no idea what i was saying, so they laughed at me. "Poor guy, can't even speak english" i can remember them saying. I couln't comprehend anything around me. I had no idea where i was or what anything was. i can't describe my confusion. Then i found myself aimlessly wandering the house picking things up and sorting them. One thing at a time began to make sense. First i recognized my computer, then my shorts, then my friends, and so on for a half hour or so until i was sane, but very disturbed.
I was still trying to process what had happened, and my constantly morping hands weren't helping. My friend, in the process of trying to comfort me, morphed into a demon. I decided i needed some music. I sat down and began to chill out, staring at a potted plant that was swaying with the beat. After that i was pretty much down.
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