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The Lion King
I engulfed 1/8th of magic mushrooms on a friday night as soon as my friends parents went to sleep.
I engulfed 1/8th of magic mushrooms on a friday night as soon as my friends parents went to sleep. i was with two other friends and they did the same. we decided to make our was outside about 15 to 20 minutes after takeing the mushrooms. when we finally made our way outside, the stars looked extremely bright and they where moveing. as we wondered around aimlessley around a park near his house, we realized that a cop had pulled up near us. as soon as we saw that we took off into a school. we finally got away and then we dicided to lay on the concrete and watch the stars. we had been laying down for what seemed like 10 minutes when i remembered that i had my mp3 player, so i put them on. as soon as the music came on the stars started to move to the music and i had never heard music like i did that night. i began to drift into my own little world and i literally thought i was in the movie the Lion King. i was laying down singing with all the animals. when we finally got up and made outr way back to the front of my friends house, he bagan to eat grass, because he was convinced that he was a cow. anywayse i can really remember too much of that night but thats the jist of it...
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