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some wird bad ass shit
k well im male and weight is 124 p "lol i guse im kinda light"...
k well im male and weight is 124 p "lol i guse im kinda light"
ok well i was lising to vnv nation song hellraiser and i eat about 9 and
damn i was fucked up i thought that the plastic char i was siting in in my
friands back yard in alverado was starting to grow huge teeth lol i started
to fell the sharp pain as it look like it was eating me i kep tring to get
off and finly i did but my friand's mom came out and i know its rud but she
is pritty fat and i thought she was some sort of rolling blue odd thing hmm
ok well it had a long nose and like 5 eyes along the head and long teeth like
the viper fish it was prrity odd i started to freak out and i guse she knew
that some thing was going on so she grabed my arm a well i dont know what
yall might have done but i kinda hit her and started to run all though
there was like this little walk way across the creek so ya dont have to go
through the whater but i tink i thought that the bords where not there so it kinda look as if i where runing in the air i got to the othere side and im gusing what look like a hug wolf that was barking at me with wat look like rabis was just probaly a dog but i ran through the trees and that was not a good thing cause a hug tree lim out of nowhere i ran into it and fell back and i was looking up and i stell had my head phones on listing to vnv nation i was looking at the trees and it was so asome it was as if it where a realy bright gree with more of a dark orngish bark and it slowly but qwikly grow darker as a tint the darker and so forth the i sall lots of lights really small the it all got biger and biger and every thing started to swerll and zooming in as if it where i had no body and was shooting strait up werds tord the sky then i cud see down words on the grond from high up then i shot off toward the trees that where very big and look like it where a forest it was all dark in side but cud stell see a little it was so asome but then i remamber that ever thing was differint as if it all swiched to where i was in some place that was in the contry where there where redish sand and farms and i was talking to a cat for a wille and what was wird was that i was stell talking and yet the cat was a pack of starbust and my friand out of no where started to eat them and i was stell talking to it then he pulled out the last peace and i was like nooo thn a nuther cat zoomed by and grabed it by its moth and cep runing and my friand sed damn that cat is fast then it all zoomed bahinde it and fallowed it and it look like a anime carttoon but skechy with collor and i kep folling it with just sight like my body was not there but i was up set that it took theother cat that was a starbust thing and yet i kep laghing at the way the other cat look and the way it was runing in a slow like motion tell i guse i woke up in the creek areya
lol but damn i thought it was all real just odd lol but i realy wud like to get some thing like that agin
well lol i just wint back tell i found my friands house and just walked in and whent back to sleep i cant remamber iny thing much after that though
well hope i did not bor yall with that wird haping my e-mail is thedragonofpain@yahoo.com tell me what you think of it i shur thought it was wird but some what cool lol odd for shur