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Post Mortem Contact
I tried messing with my computer but it made me sick so I decided to do sensory depravation & chakra aligning instead.Exactly when I light and align my crown chakra I hear this rip in space- time and suddenly the stair master turns into the reaper. He stares me in the eyes for what seemed like an hour. and then points at the round coffee table.An alligator with human aspects materializes there.then started a dialogue which For the life of me I can hardly remember except the fact that it was my friend Charles' voice. I thought that he was trying to tell me that my parents died because they were driving on very slippery roads.Even when I went down stairs and heard the theme song to Charles in charge Iwas still oblivious to the truth.Taking my parents for dead I smoked 8 cigarettes in the house.Depressed I went to bed shortly afterward.
The next day after trying to locate my parents with no luck I went over to my friends house to recoup and get stoned.I reported my previous trip to my friends and then proceeded to call my house to double check on the situation.My mom answered the phone,I was relived yet still somehow troubled.When I hung up I could see that just about everyone in the room was about ready to pound my face in.When I asked what was wrong they said that I had an evil sense of humor-when I told them to expand on this accusation they said that our friend Charles committed suicide approximately five hours before my shroom trip. They had no idea that I didn't know about Charles. Then after a state of shock I resolved to buy some doses in memory of my misguided friend.
When I dosed a day later another dimensional rift opened and revealed Charlie in my house saying that he was stuck on earths etheric plane. Due to my experience with astral projection I was able to show him the way to a less physical dimension where he could move freely.