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Ping Pong?

Well, It was my friends birthday and we all wanted to have a nice wholesome trip.

Well, It was my friends birthday and we all wanted to have a nice wholesome trip. And so we did...We all ate about 3 grams of cubensis with OJ. So we ate them and were getting ready for the crazy shroomness. A bunch of friends came over and brought along the five foot bong. (oh lord) The mushrooms started to take affect...Blending of colors, Shifting walls ect. Because my friend got a new ping pong table we recently have been playing mass ammounts of stoney ping pong daily. So we all felt the craving for some shroomey ping pong. We picked up the paddles and got to it. We all were tripping very hard now. The room we were in was collapsing on us as I played. Aztec patterns covered the table entirely and I had trouble focusing on the game because of them. We all were laughing at how bad we were playing. Even the sober kid playing with us was crap. One of my friends soon got bored with holding his paddles the right way and started experimenting with new ways to play. One of his combinations was the "Whirling Blades of Death" so he called it. He rotated two paddles in a wheel like motion infront of him, nothing could stop them. We lost track of time and soon found ourselfs playing an hour and fifteen minuets of crappu ping pong. After our ping pong binge we went outside burned a couple of bowls and enjoyed the remainder of our trip. We all commented on the patterns we were seeing. They were so vivid that i felt i could scoop them up out of my vision. Besides all of the crazyness, there were people there that we didnt know. "Scraped Knee Man" was there. A kid that passed out on his couch drunk with a bad knee wound. Who was he? Also "Piare" (think of it in french terms) The five foot bong. To sum it up, we all had a great trip. Both my friend and I were seeing the same patterns. We all were on the same level, the shroomey level...the Ping pong level.

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