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fucking crazy shit

the day i took 4g of shrooms is the day i will remember for the rest of my life.

the day i took 4g of shrooms is the day i will remember for the rest of my life. it was the most insane trip ive ever experienced. me and a buddy were just chilling watching some tv when we decide to drop our shrooms. in a matter of 10 mins i was feeling the shit. i had this tingly feeling all over my body. i put in a movie it was up in smoke with cheech and chong. after about 25mins iwas feeling extermly clausterphobic the walls were moving in and everything felt so squeezed.mean while my buddy was looking real paro. i asked him if he wanted to jet outside and we did . aince i live right by a massive ravine the trees instantly stuck out to me they looked so majestic and powerful and they looked amazing they were swaying and the branches were all moving . the sky was changing colors and shit it looked awesome. since it just rained a while ago the road was all wet and the lights were all reflecting off it and looked a million little stars everywhere. the grass looked some kind of carpet it wasnt grass anymore it looked like industrial carpet for some reason. time didnt even exist it felt like we were outside forever but it only had been a few minutes
it was fucked id ask my friend every five mins what time it is but 5 mins felt like a eternity. a decided to go by the school park whenwe got there shit was getting weird i couldnt hear cars go by and then i could it was like i was going deaf. i dont know anyones exprienced that. i was tripping so hard i started for a running and friend was what the fuck are u doing when iw as running i could feel every muscle in my body moving i could feel my legs muscles controting and flexing it felt like i was running harder and faster then ive ever ran before it was amazing as ran but shit was moving by it lloked amazing i felt incrediable
but then the peak set in as we walked byt the park i could ehar children laughing but it was like 130 pm it was fucking freaky my buddy had to go home i thought it was good idea we were triping really hard. when i got home i thought the house was on fire cause i could smell smoke turned out my parents had the fire place going. in house eveything was moving the pictures on the wall were all breathing and shifting the carpet was giving out all sorts of visuals like faces,animals and just swirling around.i thought id try to sleep big mistake. i couldnt when layed down i heard techno music in my head i was sweating like a bitch i took off my shirt in minutes i felt bitterly cold i put sshirt back on and iwas sweating again i tryed to ignore this and it went away. my blanket felt so soft and i was so comfortable and i wished i never had to leave. then things took a turn for the worse i started too think what if i die on these things maybe i took too much. this worried me i thought what about my friend maybe he died already and hes dead in his bed. iwas tripping bad. after about 2hrs i came back to reality i knew the shit iwas thinking only occured to me because iwas bored. never try to sleep on mush ull just have a massive head trip at least thats what i thought from my experience. PEAce

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