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Hello readers, I have a story of a night is is believed to be a night that changed my life in many ways.

Hello readers, I have a story of a night is is believed to be a night that changed my life in many ways. First me and some friends ate mushrooms. I ate 7 grams of cubensis. Things were cool, we were just relaxing in my house. Then my friend David suggests we try his California Sunshine acid. After thinking for a half second I decided to drop the acid.
45 minutes later I was starting to feel something. I then asked my friends if they had any weed to smoke. He said,"No I do have some Dmt though", I have never tried this before but I thought what the hell and smoked it. I was then told the drug makes you trip on it's own. "wow" I thought I am on three different kinds of hallucenegetics. Then I was told there was also salvia in it. right away after that I felt like my body was beeing inflated with air and getting bigger and bigger. That stopped though. Then everything changed into a different world altogethor. My mind had thoughts racing through my head at the speed of light and I felt my body flying through tunnels of delightful colours. many hours later all that stopped but I was still seeing everything melting but I could think. My mind think's alot different now. Kind of like a really good computer program.
I'm sorry I couldn't explain it good enough. If you could only know.

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