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i have done shrooms before and i prefer real mushies but me and a few of my bros all pitched in and we got about 5 chocolates i had 2 at about 5 o'clock pm and my friends ate the other at about the same time we didnt know what to do to kill the time so we went to the mall and chilled there and waited for them to hit us and when they finally did it was amazing shades of blue red green were all over and the floor looked like a flowing river i was having a good time but this was just the begining so we all get into the car and decide to go to my friend liz's we all went over there and laid on the trampoline and the looked at the sky it was amazing the sky was filled with clouds i see faces and other shapes so then we decided to go kick it at my friend nates place so we head out and when we get tehre is when i was getting to my peak i walked into his room and it was about a 10 foot by 10 foot room it but looked like it was the size of a classroom i sat down in the chair and started watchin cartoons i was laughin so hard at this and it wasnt even funny then i felt myself become part of the chair and then i thought i didnt have a jaw and an arm it was real trippy shit then my friend nate busted out his bong and we all took some bong rips after that i was pretty blowed and fuckin shroomin so i went outside and then shit started going crazy i could walk straight or concentrate on anything and i fainted i dont remember anything i just remember waking up in the car with my shoes off and no idea what had happened i felt like i was retarded after this i felt what i was sayin and what i was thinking was 2 totally different things so thats when i decided to go home i got home and called my mom to tell her i was home but when i got on the phone i couldnt talk and i didnt realize why the fuck a plastic thing with numbers on it was talkin to me then my friend mentioned something about a bathroom so i stood up and went to the bathroom and shut the door and i dont know why then we started watchin tv and my friends were laughin but i did not know what for after that things started to calm down and i became my normal self all and all it was a crazy fuckin night ill never forget

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