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yikes stripes

Around three years ago the kids of a town called redmond would congregate in this park named anderson every summer night, it was a beautifull summer and one week these well known travelen hippies came around with a backpack full of dried lib caps they had been picking from the cow pastures in a nearby city.

Around three years ago the kids of a town called redmond would congregate in this park named anderson every summer night, it was a beautifull summer and one week these well known travelen hippies came around with a backpack full of dried lib caps they had been picking from the cow pastures in a nearby city. Well I was broke and rather upset about my lack of shroom buying money but then came along my friend S who had some od $50 and these liberal hippies gave him a big ol baggy full of dem old liberty caps, the park was full of kids, me and S had decided that we would be tripping partners for the night because we usualy always end up on the same level while tripping. so we were stuck in the drama loop, then S said "il be right back" and he came back a half hour later kind of stumbeling and not talking much I was like "damnt S do u have any left?" and he was like "umm blah blah mcdonalds blah blah shroom burger blah blah" then he realy started to come up so I called my mom and kind of kid napped him from everybody i knew he was way gone when my mom said "how are you guys doin tonite?" and i said "im good" and then S said "im cool" but only he said it like 8 minnutes after my mom asked... so we got to my house and S imedietly layed down and just went deep into hyperspace for the rest of the night. so i reached in his bag and moved my fingers around till i found plastic bagys and i pulled out 2 bags of weed and about 100 lib caps so i munched em allll down nice n dandy, smoked a grand bowl of weed and layed down on some pillows and waited for the trip to come on. afrer watching what seemed forevers worth of useless comercials and shit like that i heard knock knock on my door it was J and he was wondering where some fungi was i said "oh shit man i just ate the rest i would have saved u some if i knew you were comen over" so i gave him a few grams of weed then all the sudden the shrooms where like throwing themselves down on me at a realy intense rate and i kind of went white out for who knows how long when all the sudden i heard fucken bloody murder screaming i popped up into sitting position, i remember thinking "shit... i cant see shit with all this shit covering everything" it was the tracers from hell makeing things a bit diffacult to look at without getting overwhelmed, anyways the screaming right, it turns out that J smoked all the weed then went to urinate in my bathroom, he turned the focit on then all the sudden like the knob popped off or something and watter started spraying him in the face! he was screaming to my mom that the bathroom was all geeken out on him, he came back to my room soaking wet and thats when these little yellow glowing balls started comeing out of my closet, they would like marth out from my closet, do these little spinny things around my head and then fly right out my window, i was amazed, but i kept my mouth shut, cuz S was way gone and J was too stoned to hear my nonsence, as with all trips I spent some time thinking about deep things that dont realy make a solid difference and stared at the perlite in my weed plants soil until my vision zoomed in and the perlite turned into skulls and then i was like what the hell im tripped and snapped out of it and managed to stay sane until the trip wore off then i smoked like 10 bowls and went to bed. sorry for dragging on and on about n othing important, but you must be that bored anyways. peace out buthas and sistas =)

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