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My Most Life Altering Experience: Summing Up Psilocybin

My Most Life Altering Experience: Summing Up Psilocybin After listening to so many hours of conversations and group philosophy on entheogens and after reading so much, I came to the conclusion that psilocybin was by far the most interesting, useful, and informational.

My Most Life Altering Experience: Summing Up Psilocybin

After listening to so many hours of conversations and group philosophy on entheogens and after reading so much, I came to the conclusion that psilocybin was by far the most interesting, useful, and informational. Considering the fact that it is one of the most safest naturally occurring organic entheogens on this here planet Earth; one of the most spiritual substance used by shamans for tens of thousands of years; also the longest used entheogen of human kind since our introduction to the grasslands of Africa and the discovery of coprophilic (dung loving) mushrooms. A some what new theory which was reinforced by my own experience with psilocybin on human evolution states that the emergence of our consciousness was catalyzed by our encounter with psilocybin mushrooms, specifically Stropharia Cubensis growing on the dung of cattle, which after their encounter were domesticated by humans. The cattle, itÕs dung, and the mushroom of the dung were praised as gods and are considered the root of all religion. This was the first religion, the religion of experience: shamanism.

We are animals, animals which evolve with the use of mind expanding, consciousness altering, naturally occurring organic compounds found readily available in our natural environment. Our abuse of various synthetic chemicals in society today is due to the unknown chemical imbalance in our brain which was caused by the loss of psilocybin from our diet. We need psilocybin, it is our birthright. Sadly it has been lost and forgotten. After understanding this, I needed to try it. After trying it, I realized the human paradox, and I weep for human sake.

My initial emotional response to achieving possession of the rare mushroom was one of glee where I proceeded to jump and prance around my house giggling and smiling for the joyous occasion. I acted just like a child whom just received notice of a surprise birthday party. My expectations were high with pleasure and positivity. ÒOh, what a wonderful moment to be alive!Ó thought I as immediately positioning myself in front of my computer terminal where I was then to quickly, hopefully, find the species name of which I had obtained. Sadly I could not positively determine what the exact name of the species was. Although I had confirmations of it belonging to the psilocybin mushroom family which by the way has approximately 80 to 90 sub genus's that can be found on every continent except for Antarctica.

The experience of the entheogenic trip is indescribable, to talk or write about it would be to lie. One must experience it for themselves in order to understand. Experience is key. The only discribable aspects are the ones which are viewable from a second party: increased visual acuity (dilated pupils), increased mental processing (fast and almost instantaneous non-stop thought), and an overall increase in consciousness and creativity. Not to mention a common phenomena of telepathy with other trippers. In eight hours of tripping you see and experience more art than in all of the world. It truly is astounding. The entheogenic experience of mine, the only one so far with psilocybin mushrooms, has absolutely with out any doubt in my mind been the most life altering uplifting experiences to date. Only one trip was needed, only one trip is needed. But why only have one when they are so powerful and informational, why stop there, why not learn more? Because of societies mycophobia and the fascist dictators that rule you and I. Sad this time is that we live in.

The information that the chemical psilocybin contains is so vast that more research and more tripping has got to be done. Psilocybin is a chemical key that can unlock great mysteries in our brain and in the universe itself. I encourage the mentally strong and willing to surf the waves and change the channels of oneÕs own consciousness with naturally occurring pharmacologically active entheogenic chemicals. Open your eyes, turn on your brain, and surf the waves of consciousness. ÒKnow thy self.Ó said Buddha. With that quote I leave you, hoping that more is to come from the research on entheogenics and consciousness. I hope that you have been enlightened with second hand knowledge on the subject of psilocybin, and that you experience it with first hand clarity if you wish to learn from the Ômushroom teacher.Õ Only with experience can we really understand. Peace and goodbye.

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