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It was fun!
Me and my friend brianne ate 10 mushrooms each.
Me and my friend brianne ate 10 mushrooms each.We went walkingand we saw a cone on a sign at the end of a road then we went home beacuse we didnt think they worked good enough.So i walked into my room and sat down and i was watching a bug fly arround for like an hour.Then i got up to watch my hand buecuse it had a trail everything had one.Igot up and walked out into the living room to watch t.v. and my brother was watching wrestling and my mom woke up and came out there and looked at me and how big my pupils were and said "What did you do?" and i couldnt help but laugh and yell as loud as i can "I ate mushrooms!" and she was like do you want me to take you to the emergincy room and i got scard and closed my eyes and i kept seeing my eyes looking back at me it was scary! i would do it again too.
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