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First trip - blissful!

Trip report: Columbian Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms.

Trip report: Columbian Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms.

The setting: I had been wanting to try mushrooms or something similar in the hallucinogenic field for a while now. I asked around edit about substances like the philosophers stones, which I had read about in an edition of Weed World and thought sounded interesting. However, after a lot of research I decided I wanted the Mushroom experience and when me and my friend Jordan finally reached Amsterdam of London in Camden we bought two thirty gram boxes of their Columbian Pscylocybin cubensis mushrooms, planning to split one of them for our first trip and save the second for another time. The mushrooms looked Ugly to me, they were long and thin with small round caps and off yellow in colour, tinted with blue around the bottom of the stalks. Neither me nor Jordan had tried shrooms before and we were both apprehensive. Because we tripped together we decided to both write the trip report, so it's done in two sections; alternating between my and Jordan's mindsets.

My thoughts as we bought the shrooms and headed back to my house for the afternoon (stopping to pick up some gear along the way) were mingled apprehension and excitement. I was curious as to what this experience was going to reveal to me, having read a good deal about shrooms and many trip reports on erowid and the shroomery I figured I knew what to expect. This turned out to very much be not the case, as a word that will probably be being used a lot will be "indescribable"

My trail of thoughts as we missioned back with the shrooms were indifferent. All good thoughts, and thinking I would basically see shit. I knew it would be intense and I would have a great time but words cannot express what happened…

T: 0:00 : We munch down on the shrooms, taking approximately 15g each from the thirty gram box.
Chewing down on them fresh wasn't exactly an experience to be relished, the taste was unsurprisingly similar to that of a raw mushroom, but subtly (and not particularly pleasantly) different. We sat down and watched some family guy and relaxed, waiting for any effects. At about twenty minutes in we smoked two joints, having read that cannabis can alter and amplify the experience I was curious as to what my favorite drug would do to me while under the influence of the shrooms. At T: 0.30 I began to notice the first signs that something was different, a slight tingling in the top of my head, and a general feeling of something being slightly different. I was also looking for effects, not knowing entirely what to expect.

After consuming these shrooms time went by and I noticed my temples gently pulsating and my head gradually got lighter and lighter, my thoughts over the next thirty minutes of waiting gradually began to speed up and I was much more aware of the process of thinking.

T: 1:00 : Take off! One hour in and the effects are making themselves felt. For one thing we start talking a lot.. A LOT. We talk about everything and it all makes perfect sense, for the whole duration of the trip it was as if we were on exactly the same wavelength. I start to feel the floating sensation in my body that is familiar from strong weed trips. However this soon takes on an entirely different and more subtle character, and the body rushes begin, I feel ecstatically happy the whole time, laughing at everything and mostly at nothing. Thought processes begin to change, there is a sense of everything being different, and of this situation being entirely normal and right, whereas the "old way" of thinking was stupid and closeted. This sensation is very hard to describe; I was absolutely convinced that what I had felt "before" was wrong and that this new way of thinking was wonderful and far more "real". I struggled to explain it to Jordan but he seemed to understand me, words felt elastic and meaningless around this drug. The conversation ranges around and soon me and Jordan start to find ourselves agreeing that words are not right to express what we are feeling. As we hit the 2 hour mark I begin to hit my peak, we sit in my room chilling and listening to music which has begun to feel tactile and affect me physically. I start to rant about the essential "Ingness" of a certain instrument in the music we were listening too (at that time the "rounds" album by Fourtet. I strongly recommend music on shrooms, it's an intense experience) and how it was causing me to have a very pleasant sensation down the left side of my body. As I talk I wave my arms around gesturing frantically and happily, the air literally began to feel like it had texture and give, I was shaping thoughts out in the ether and throwing them over to Jordan. It was literally as If I could SEE my thoughts in textured puddles around my body, I lifted them up and played with them as I spoke, words pouring meaninglessly out of my mouth. Talking felt very good, and I began to see how all it involves is taking the emotions you wish to convey and wrapping words roughly around them , throwing them out to your conversational partner. We decided that language was useless and began to laugh a lot as we denounced the whole of English as a waste of time, laughing at how great writers like Shakespeare, dickens and kerouac all wasted such a lot of time trying to do something so pointless. Time meant very little yet at the same time seemed to be rocketing past. Every time I looked at the clock I told Jordan at great length that time meant nothing. The clock seemed to be so stupid, sitting there on my wall and doing nothing, the hands whirling around randomly and pointing to numbers which had no bearing on anything. The feeling was fantastic, like being caught in a perfect moment. I wandered around the house smoking a joint and dancing to music (this would be a great drug to rave on) feeling light and happy, my mind was so clear, clear that Everything felt GOOD, we smoked cigarettes and joints to feel our lungs expanding, everywhere I sat was perfect, my couch seemed like our rocket ship, travelling at great speeds down a perfect highway that had nothing to do with time but was merely the process of one emotion sliding into the next. We talked for a very long time about communication and drugs and the way that people talk to each other. I start to feel "connected", thinking of everyone else who has done shrooms before, and those who do weed and who allow themselves to be open to these experiences I feel supported by them, like I had a connection to each of them. This was fantastic and at times felt overwhelmingly blissful. Visuals begin to kick in harder, patterns emerging in objects and on walls. Closed eye visuals are intense and cartoonish in nature, men waving flags to orchestrated cannon displays in very Monty python style animation. We decided to go out and watch the clouds which was excellent, as I perceived many layers in them that I hadn't before, the clouds swirled around and seemed to follow my visual commands. Everything seemed wonderful and easy and friendly. Aeroplanes flying by seemed friendly and the sun glinted off of them and they were beautiful. The peak was truly awe-inspiring.

To tell you the truth Matteo has explained the experience to the dot and I will give my interpretation of mine. When on drugs I find I think alot but when I was coming up of the shrooms my mind went into overdrive and conversations we highly intense and meaningful. I found ideas so hard to convey to Matt, yet he instinclely knew what the crap coming out of my mouth meant. We were on the same wavelength. At times I found myself laughing because I was soo happy. At all times I felt highly content and very relaxed, constantly thinking and highly blissful. Major visuals occurred when lying outside watching the clouds. I have always thought looking at clouds is heavy but the shit I was seeing was incredible. Major visuals and a hectic mind thought was amazing and highly enjoyable definitely worth another dose.

T: 4.00 : By now the comedown had started to begin and we started smoking some more weed to ease any discomfort we might feel. Fortunately no problems were had and the general feeling was tired and happy, content and a little sad (though in a reminiscent, nostalgic way) that we had left the place we were in before. The whole thing was gradual and as I sit here typing directly after the experience I can only think good things about what has transpired. Definitely worth pursuing, next time I try these I'll probably attempt some meditation and see where my thoughts take me. As I type it is T: 6:15, and I'm pretty much down, feeling a little tired but genuinely pleased.

Peace and happy shrooming

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