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1.5g Mushroom Trip with Weed and Energy Drink

Don't mix drugs your first time doing them

The story begins on September 2nd of 2022.  I (18M at the time) had never been high before.  Early in the day, I had drank excess amounts of caffeinated drinks, which included a lot of Mountain Dew and a bottled Star Bucks Frappuccino.  I was drinking large amounts of caffeine in order to get a huge dopamine rush.  At about 2pm that day, my cousin picked me up to drive me to a family reunion, and as we stopped at a gas station, he showed me some weed and mushrooms he planned on taking at the family reunion.  The family reunion was going to take place at a family owned property in the forest, and we planned on staying a few days.  As we left the gas station, I asked my cousin if I could try some mushrooms, since I had been interested in doing them.  He handed me 1.5 grams, containing 3 caps and 4 stems.  I ate them, and didn't feel anything for awhile.  For the next few minutes of the ride, I drank a Rockstar energy drink, more specifically, the berry flavored one.

About 45 minutes go by, and I'm still not feeling anything.  I tell my cousin, and he tells me I might need some weed to increase the potency of the mushrooms.  I had never smoked weed before.  He puts on some loud psy trance music in the car, as we start to smoke.  I took about 5 hits, and I inhaled pretty deeply.  About 5 minutes later, I started to feel a little bit strange.  I felt almost normal, and I couldn't pin point what was off, but I just felt like something was off.  I then get the strangest feeling that the sky looks like a very realistic painting.  This marks the beginning of my trip.

As very loud psy trance is playing, I started to feel a strange feeling all over my body.  It is a very mild feeling, but still strange.  I asked my cousin if this meant I was high, and he said, "I don't know if you're high, only you can."  He is laughing at this point.  As he was still driving, he made an offensive joke, and I found it really funny.  I started to laugh really hard at it.  After about 30 seconds of laughing, I realized that I was still laughing, and I couldn't stop.  I laughed harder and harder uncontrollably, seemingly at nothing.  After about 5 minutes, I'm not even laughing at the joke anymore, I'm just laughing uncontrollably at nothing.  I asked my cousin if this was normal, and he told me that mushrooms are supposed to make you laugh.  I keep laughing super hard for about 30 minutes, and as I was laughing, I started to feel sparks of energy running through my entire body.  The sparks of energy were going up and down.  I looked into the car mirror, and I started to see wrinkles appear on my face.  I start freaking out, because I thought I had somehow aged 60 years (I was 18 at the time).  I started getting worried, while still laughing somehow, and then I decided to look away from my reflection.  I looked at my reflection again, and this time, I thought I looked super hot, because my face started to look feminine.  I wanted to have fun with my reflection.  Eventually, I kept looking, and my face morphed back to normal, and I was sad my hot reflection was gone.

Then, I started to feel like I had an other pair of legs trapped in my normal pair of legs, only the pair trapped inside was made out of vines.  I felt like the vine legs were trying to jump out of my body.  I was still laughing really hard, until my cousin told me to breath for a minute.  I stopped laughing, and tried to pull myself together, and as my mind attempted to do this, everything went really bad.  I started to realize I was tripping balls, and I started to get anxious at this moment.  I started to really freak out, and I told my cousin I was terrified.  I started to curse really loud, using every curse word I knew.  I started to have an anxiety attack.  I started to hyperventilate, and my hands were getting really tingly to the point where I couldn't even move my fingers.  My cousin told me to squeeze his hand really tight.  I did, and he was only using his left hand to steer the car.  I was panicking a lot, and I almost blacked out, before I managed to let go and stophyperventilating.  As I stopped hyperventilating, the tingling in my hands went down, and my fingers started to feel like sausages when that happened.  I was still panicking pretty heavily, and my cousin started to freak out.  Eventually, we got to where we were going.

We made it to the family property, and my cousin's aunt (on the side of his family not related to me) was there.  For context, it was not planned for anyone else to get there until much later in the day.  She was there hours before she said she would be there, and my cousin is freaking out.  His new mission was to figure out how to get me into the house on the property without alerting anyone.  My other cousin (his brother) was there, and my cousin told him about the situation.  My cousin's brother (who I'll call cousin 2 for the purpose of Anonymity) told me it would be a better idea to stay in his RV, since there were people in the house at the time.  I jumped out of the car, and I suddenly got the urge to roll around.  I did so about 4 times before stopping myself.  As I stopped, the whole world started to feel like it was spinning around me.  I then left my body, and I could see myself from below for a short period of time.  I got up, and I walked into the RV with cousin 2.  I told cousin 2 I was freaking out, and I didn't know what was happening.  He told me that I was having a bad trip, and that it would end in a few hours.  He told me that sometimes when you take psychedelics, you have bad trips, which is something I didn't know.  At this point, it felt like there were millions of colorful needles poking my skin, and I could actually feel color on my body.  There wasn't any pain, but it still felt like needles somehow.  I was terrified.

Cousin 2 then freaked out and told me other people in the family knew something was going on with me.  My cousin's aunt apparently texted everyone in my family.  This only makes things worse, as my parents (who were far away from me at this time) knew something was wrong.  For context, most of my family is very conservative, and most of them hate drugs.  I was worried everyone would find out about my mushroom trip, but my cousins told everyone I was just having a really bad panic attack.  Eventually, the house was empty, and Cousin 1 (the one who gave me the drugs) came into the RV, and told me to go into the house really quick.  I felt like I couldn't get up.  Every time I moved a limb, I felt extreme aanxiety.  Eventually, I got out of the RV, and onto the couch on the bottom floor.  I asked cousin 1 to stay with me since I was having uncontrollable levels of anxiety.  He did, and he told me that I needed to calm down before his mom (my aunt) got there,  I couldn't calm down, and I was still freaking out.  My cousin told me if I took a cold shower, the effects would go away.  I got off the couch, which was hard to do since I wanted to stay in one place (probably because of the weed lmao), and I got into the bathroom.  I took a cold shower, and this is the part of the story where things get very sexual.  The cold water went onto my body, and all the areas where it touched, started to feel orgasmic. The water only managed to get on the lower half of my body, before I freaked out about that.  My legs started to feel the same way a penis feels when it gets stimulated.  I started to get nervous, because my legs aren't supposed to feel like that, but they do.  I then started to worry that my penis would explode for some reason.  I got extremely horny, and I thought if I were to acheive orgasm, it would be the end of my penis.

Later in the day, I went upstairs to a bedroom, where I tried to sleep it off.  I started to doze off, and as that was happening, I started to dream while being half awake.  I was in a field of mushrooms, and I saw myself in third person.  I then saw a giant mushroom dance with me.  It picked me up by the arms, and started to spin me around.  I was still viewing this in 3rd person, but I felt as if my body was being spun by the giant mushroom.  I woke up from my half dream, or whatever you would call it.  I looked outside the blinds, and lots of colors were going through them.  I looked away, and tried going back to sleep.  This time I just imagined a pyramid of cartoonish mouths form.  I then imagined a giant tonuge sticking out of a small mouth, and then I imagined hands everywhere.  I opened my eyes, and I started to have a strange fear.  I though there was a giant living lollipop that was looking for me, so it could kill me.  I didn't see it, but for some reason, I had the fear it existed.  My brain started replaying the term, "lolly" over and over.  I kept thinking about the word, and I couldn't stop.  Eventually, cousin 2 went in to check on me, and told me everything was in my head.  He somehow convinced me to stop tripping.  I started thinking about it, and somehow he was right.  He somehow convinced me into not feeling high.  I stood up, and I felt normal.  Everything started to fade away at that point.  This was the strangest thing to ever happen to me.  I am sad that my first trip was a bad one, but at the time of writing this (December of 2023) I am planning on having my second mushroom trip soon.  I'm not going to be mixing it with weed or caffeine this time, and I hope it goes well.

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