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NYE Big Sur Trippin'
- Big Sur
Limekiln State Park
Peanut butter and jelly shroom sandwich topped with strawberries and bananas
My girlfriend, who we'll refer to as Angie, and I were invited on a
camping trip up to Big Sur for New Years by two of my friends we'll call Simon
and Chris. I should note that almost all of my previous psychedelic experiences
have been with these guys. They are two of my very best friends who I trust
with my life, especially on these adventures. For Angie however, this was all
new. Having dabbled with party drugs in the past this would be her first
psychedelic experience. Simon volunteered to be our sitter as he always so
graciously does. Simon is everything you look for in a good sitter. He is patient;
let's you enjoy yourself and most importantly watches out for you. Prior to
leaving for our camp trip I obtained the magical mushies from a friend. We
decided to get 7 grams to split between Chris, Angie and myself. We drove up
through the night and arrived at Kirk Creek Campground, a beautiful campground
on a cliff overlooking the ocean. We decided that because we would be there for
a total of three days, we would go on our magical journey on Day 2.
Morning of Day 2 we took our time getting ready. We split up everyone's
dose and proceeded to break them up into small pieces to put on our peanut
butter and jelly sandwiches topped with strawberries and bananas. Once our
lunch was made we hopped in the car and took a short drive to Limekiln State
Park. The ranger had told us about some easy trails that led to some old kilns and
another that led to a massive waterfall. We parked the car, got our packs and
started chomping down our sandwiches. We spent that time walking to the limekilns
about a half mile down this trail. Because we were there in New Years Day the
trails were rather crowded. There were ton of kids, families and dogs. Walking
through this park was absolutely beautiful since it was following a small creek
all throughout. Everything was lush with the ground-covered clovers surrounded
by huge sequoias. At this point about 20-25 minutes had past and we were all
wondering if we were actually going to trip. We had made it to the kilns where
everything seemed hilarious. We were laughing and were all in a positive mood
but we knew we were definitely not tripping yet. We decided that we would head
back to the fork in the trail and head over to the waterfall.
On the way to the waterfall we kept running into families and other
groups of people and would wish them a Happy New Year as we'd pass by. While we
weren't tripping yet, I remember feeling a little awkward around groups of
people. To get to the waterfalls you have to cross that same river several
times by walking across some branches and tree roots that made makeshift bridges.
I hadn't realized this until later but my balance, which tends to be pretty
good, slowly started to get worse. We crossed the river several times and
eventually came to the waterfall. There were only a couple other groups at the
waterfall, which was good because at this point I started to feel really
uncomfortable and nauseous. I would look up at the waterfall and get very dizzy.
Although I was so overwhelmed, the waterfall was absolutely beautiful to stare
at. I kept making awkward eye contact with one of the guys who were there with
his family and I started to wonder if he knew I was starting to trip. Angie
pointed out that some of the water has frozen as it was falling making
icicles. Realizing that the water was making icicles was a really crazy concept
to comprehend. I kept feeling like I was going to throw up and felt like I
needed to leave the waterfall. Angie would use the term over stimulated a few
times during this trip which was spot on. I started to feel the shrooms hit me
in waves. One moment I would feel really off and a little %u201Cdrunk%u201D and the next
moment I would feel perfectly okay. Nonetheless, I knew we had taken flight. I
ran over to Chris to see if I was the only one feeling this. I wasn't. Angie
and Chris started to feel them too.
As we started back on the trail, back to the main area of the park,
Angie would trail behind taking in all of the plants and flowers that were
around us. We had to cross those makeshift bridges again but this time it was a
lot more difficult. Crossing one of them I accidentally stepped completely into
the river and got my shoe drenched. On the other side Simon saw some
interesting looking wild fungi growing. Angie wanted to play with them a
little. As she would touch them it looked like human flesh. Just the thought of
a plant looking like human flesh growing in the wild was a rather difficult
thing to take in. We kept moving along and eventually got to one of the bigger
bridges. There were several other groups coming across so Chris, Angie and I
stayed back for a bit while Simon crossed and watched from afar. This bridge we
were waiting to cross was a giant tree, which had fallen across the river.
Angie was crouched to the side of it watching the river flow through it. I
can't remember exactly what she said but she was pretty mesmerized by that
sight. We made it back across and down the trail further when we came to this
bench that was just sitting on the side of the trail, which Angie immediately
laid down on. She
was completely blown away at the sight of looking up at the trees. She insisted
that we try it as well. Chris and I opted to stay standing but looked up
anyways to see how crazy of a perspective it was. Looking up into those trees
almost felt like we were going light speed on the Millennium Falcon. We then
noticed that there was a plaque on this bench with a John Muir quote.
sequoias, kings of their race, growing close together like grass in a meadow,
poised their brave domes and spires in the sky three hundred feet above the ferns
and the lilies that enameled the ground; towering serene through the long
centuries, preaching God's forestry fresh from heaven.%u201D
After thinking about Muir and all of his
adventures back in the day, Angie and I saw a hollowed out tree stump we wanted
to check out. We kept imagining little gnomes living in there and thought it
was hilarious. This hole went deeper and deeper and I had an urge to crawl down
it to see what was living down there, which Angie talked me out of. Angie and I
turned around to meet back up with Chris and Simon and saw what we thought was
a bear. It was actually just part of a burnt tree but I swear it looked just
like a bear that was waving at us. I was met with a combination of fear and
excitement seeing this bear. We really weren%u2019t sure if it was real or now so we
asked Simon what it was. He confirmed it was just a burnt tree.
As we walked further down the trail, we
passed a huge tree with roots coming out of the ground. As we passed, the roots
strongly resembled all sorts of different snakes. They were moving very very
slowly and kept turning back into the roots every few seconds. They weren%u2019t
necessarily scary but it was not something I wanted to be by for very long. I
should note that this shroom trip was a lot different than my others. There was
part of me still rooted in reality but there was another part of me that was
seeing what was actually around me and my mucked out mind was transforming it
into something entirely. For example, I would still be able to tell that the
snakes were tree roots but I still wasn%u2019t 100% sure if that was the case. I
felt kind of confused but didn%u2019t really care to try to make sense of it. I was
just observing everything. I attributed this to the smaller dose I took this
trip. In the past I had taken a 1/8th to myself. Despite feeling
overwhelmed at times, I was still enjoying myself. Colors were much more vibrant and I felt a lot
more alert and observant throughout the day. I should also note that all
throughout this experience I would get the sudden urge to throw up which I
would fight back as to keep the trip going. Having had a weak stomach in the
past, I was rather proud of this minor achievement.
Anyways, back down the trail we went. I
kept looking at the grains of the wood, which were very interesting to look at.
It was just a very vivid and pretty thing to take in. I would have shroomy
thoughts like what it would be to live as an ant walking under all of the
clovers as if they were palm trees. We all decided that we would head back to
the main part of the park because we all had to go to the bathroom. We passed
over a bridge and into the main camp area where there were several groups of
people at their camps. By this point I was definitely shrooming at a good
level. I didn%u2019t want to look at any of the groups because I knew I had this
mucked out look on my face. I felt almost a cross between rolling on MDMA and
being shitfaced drunk. I had been carrying a backpack that I just wanted to
take off. I felt that it was holding me back from being completely free. Angie
volunteered to carry it for a while and once that pack was off it was a whole
new level of tripping. I made a conscious decision to completely liberate my
mind and give in fully to this drug. All along the trail we had been saying
Happy New Years to the groups we were passing, but in this moment, being pretty
mucked, I just wanted to saw Merry Christmas to everyone. Angie was back a
little ways checking out a giant leaf that was on the ground. It was almost as
big as her face and staring at all the tiny holes in the leaf felt almost as if
I was reading how the different insects and bugs have eaten through it. She gave me the leaf almost as a gift and
eventually found another bigger better one. I didn%u2019t really want to keep it
just because I felt like it would %u201Cweigh me down%u201D so to speak much like the
backpack. I asked Angie if she would be offended if I left it behind. She
didn%u2019t mind and I was so relieved. In that moment I felt completely connected
with Angie and I didn%u2019t want her to be upset that I didn%u2019t want her gift. We
finally made it to the bathrooms and eventually reconvened outside.
As I was waiting for everyone outside, I
found a really cool rock that was so smooth and soft. I kept rubbing it between
my fingers, which I felt connected me to the earth. It was speckled with some
crazy looking algae or something that was really intriguing to look at. I kept
the rock in my pocket to remember this trip. We remembered that the ranger had
told us that there was beach access so we decided to head over there to check
it out. Angie was still trailing behind everyone else and every time I would
look back at her I%u2019d be hit with the biggest smile. I felt so lucky and
fortunate to be doing all of this with her. We had to walk over a small bridge
over the river we had been following all throughout the day and into the beach
campground area. Once we got to the beach I noticed that the river we had been
walking past all day let out into the ocean. It seemed so perfect and poetic to
me. It was like the water was matching the intensity of my trip. We started the
day off with a mellow river, much like how the trip started, very calm and
peaceful. That river then led us to a ginormous waterfall, which is when the
shrooms hit hard, and then we eventually made it to the beach where the river
let out into the ocean right as I peaked.
While completely enjoying how the sand
felt under my feet, my eyes then fixated on how incredibly beautiful the sun
and clouds were. I hadn%u2019t seen anything that beautiful before. The colors were
all so vibrant and I cold clearly see every beam of light that was coming from
the sun. I felt that my vision had expanded on either side and I was able to
see my peripherals very vividly which gave my vision a panoramic effect. I was
so euphoric I could barely contain myself. Angie and I both noticed a crazy
colored rock that we wanted to be in the presence of. We both rushed over there
and laid in the sand next to this rock. I didn%u2019t care how dirty I was getting
and couldn%u2019t stop looking at the horizon. Chris and Simon walked over at one
point and I was able to mutter the words %u201CI am so blissful%u201D. I was laughing
hysterically and kept looking at Angie, which only made me laugh harder. There
were a few moments where I thought I was going to be sick but I fortunately
kept everything down. The clouds off in the horizon were shaped in a way where
the sun was barely peaking through. It felt that, if I was able to, I could
float up into that space and it would be heaven on the other side. This was
such a spiritual part of the trip that I won%u2019t ever forget. At this point Angie
was completely hugging that same rock and staring at the grains of sand. We
kept joking that she fell in love with that rock. I said something to the
effect of %u201CAnd just think that at one point these were all very large boulders%u201D
which completely blew her mind. The weather started to take a turn and it
started to feel a bit colder so we eventually started walking back to the car.
On our way there, Angie noticed a couple up ahead that was hugging and taking a
picture. She realized that the guys%u2019 jacket, their VW bus and the leaves of the
trees all matched perfectly. As soon as she pointed that out I was completely
shocked. That moment of realization hit me like a greyhound bus and I thought
it was one of the funniest things in the world. I felt that nature and fate had
put all of those pieces together for that exact moment. Apparently my face
looked that way too because Angie kept saying, %u201CChange your face! Change your
face!%u201D We made it back to the car and had Simon take us back to camp.
On the way back to camp, Angie and I were
having the time of our life in the back seat of the car. We felt like we were
being transported through space in a space shuttle or a monorail of some sort.
We kept looking out at the ocean and sunset and were still hysterically
laughing about nothing. Once we made it back to camp, Angie and I decided to
head into our tent since we had some heavy blankets and were pretty cold from
all the wind. We spent a good amount of time in the tent having some weird
conversations about time, numbers, and colors and how they all connect. She
tried to explain that she views ages 1-30 were the color yellow, ages 30-50
were grey and 60 was a dark yellow; or something along to that effect We were
lying in the tent and noticed that our rolled up clothes resembled an eagle
perfectly. We could both tell that we were coming down but still had that
mushy, confused post-shroom trip feeling. At one point I wanted to get outside
and check out the sunset and to go for a little walk around the campground. By
the time I came back I could definitely tell that I was nearly sober. My mind
was jumbled a tad but I was able to carry a conversation pretty normally and I
didn%u2019t have that %u201Cdrunken%u201D feeling anymore.
We ended the night by making dinner around
the campfire swapping stories of the days adventure, sharing photos and
listening to some good music. All in this entire trip was a ton of fun in an
extremely beautiful place with my closest friends. Because we had taken a
smaller dose than normal, it gave me a different experience, which I was
completely okay with. I experienced some resistance to the drug but learned that
by letting go your trip will only get better since you can be completely in the
moment. This particular trip only lasted a total of about three and a half
hours but they were some of the best three and a half hours of my life.