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Let me start out with the fact that I smoke pot quite regularly and from time to time I have been known to get minor hallucinations from smoking some superb weed; its been rare, but I vividly remember the experiences.

Let me start out with the fact that I smoke pot quite regularly and from time to time I have been known to get minor hallucinations from smoking some superb weed; its been rare, but I vividly remember the experiences. I know this is a shroom report.

I attend UC Davis in Davis California. My first trip was on campus in a large arboretum by myself. I took a half eighth of dried shrooms. I went with a "vision quest" mind-set. This resulted in two things while tripping and before tripping. The first thing before and after taking the mushrooms was a chant. I chanted what I thought were native American chants (or at least Native American gibberish sounds). Basically it sounded kinda like a Ahoonka ya ya [repeated over and over in a rhythmic pattern]. Over the course of the four hour trip the chant would change. So after walking a quarter mile in the Arboretum trying to calm myself and looking for a secluded place away from joggers and the sort, I found a stone cropping along the path and I took half of the shrooms I had, I then sat for about a half hour watching wildlife and talking to the people who crossed my path. At this time no effects were felt. I also felt myself getting braver and I consumed the rest of the mushrooms. Another 35 minutes passed before the effects were felt. When the effects came they came fast. The onset felt like really bomb ass weed. As a man of science I would read about the plant species in the arboretum, well when the shrooms kicked in, the plants took on Amazing looks. Colors shot out at me. During the beginning of the trip I found myself laughing at myself for laughing at a tree. The bark came out at me, and looked amazing. I saw a totally red bush, and grass played with my eyes. It was in the very beginning moments when I realized where "Lucy In Disguise With Diamonds" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" came from. I also realized that those 60's hippies that are like "Whoa man" aren't on weed, they're on SHROOMS. That day I caught myself talking to a duck (the duck didn't speak and I was conscious I was talking to a duck). In my 7 mile walk from which covered the total arboretum as well as parts of Downtown Davis, I had the fortune of entering 4-5 tunnels. It was in these tunnels that the hallucinations would take place. In one tunnel I had faces appear in the wall. The faces then began to dance and create a kaleidescope effect. In another tunnel I watched a secret garden grow and create a mystical door. The hallucinations were like lucid dreams in the fact that I had some control. I entered each tunnel as if I was Alice entering a rabbits hole (I also was somewhat timid of some of the tunnels but I pushed myself to enter, after all I was on a quest, and that was at the forefront of my thoughts). During the entire trip I went through a huge range of emotion but Joy and happiness as well as a sense of Awe were most prevalent. I also did a lot of self analyzation and I came to the realization, that on this plane there are both new and old souls, I am an old soul. Life is a series of up and downs, there is always a light at the end of a tunnel/hardship, and I/we must appreciate life. As an artist I love the experience and hopefully I will be lucky enough to take another trip on the 19th of Feb. I know where Alice In Wonderland came from. I also know why these are called trips. Salvia Divinorum and LSD are next!

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