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Love is everywhere

The first time I tripped shrooms

It was first time so I took 2 grams of the dried mushrooms. My friend had done then before so she took 3. I actually quite liked the taste but didn't know what to expect. The normal anxiousness of taking a new drug took hold. About 20ish mins after we are the mushrooms a wave of calmness took over me. I think this was the first moment of the shrooms taking hold. My friend and I decided we were going to go outside. We put on snow pants and jackets and made sure we would be warm. The whole time I was in my snow pants the bright pink reminded me of being a young child. So while I was outside I felt like I was journeying from childhood to adulthood. The snow pants allowed me to play and be an adventurous child. Skipping and frolicking in the snow. Making snow angels, walking through an "enchanted" forest. Climbing up on objects. Peeing in the middle of a frozen river. The sense of adventure and glee and peacefulness was everywhere. We then went to a tipi and smoked a joint. In the tipi some visuals started to take affect. The structure was fantastic looking up, and the smoke made rainbows against the light. We burned a sage spiritual cleansing smudge and felt a very powerful connection in the tipi. I felt bad putting out the stub of the joint. I felt like I was saying goodbye to a good friend. At that point I couldn't understand why people didn't eat shrooms every day. We then went back inside. We accidentally ended up in this tiny elevator that confused us both. But the red around the floor was real awesome. Taking off the snow pants was also like saying goodbye to a good friend. But we changed into onesies and decided (for some unknown reason) that we wanted a snack- more mushrooms. We thought it was fantastically funny. I was chomping away at another gram and so was my friend. When I started laughing hysterically. I'm not sure how long this lasted but I know at the end I was crying and I came to the realization that we have to laugh until we cry because it's the same body motion. The same breathing pattern and that seemed really really important to remember. I was also getting deep visuals on the ceiling of northern lights seeping out of the discoloured grey cement walls. It looked like chalk had been smudged on the top and I felt like that was a fog that was the start of a magic place. I wanted so badly to go into that place and so I breathed my soul into the room (though it was really just a big exhale). My friend and I were both under these patterned covers and I could feel her but not see her. I thought we were one being. She was staring at these crystals which I then began to hate. They were fake and out of place and I destroyed some of them off the wall. I don't know why I had such a strong hate for them. I tried to describe the room but all I could think to say was walnut. And I knew this wasn't right. We then went to my room and lit candles and laughed in my room. Everything in my room was bright and vibrant and loving and it took all the sadness from the room that I felt was previously stuck in there.We thought it was really cheesy and funny how vibrant colours are seen as girly. It's just a lot of love ! The people in the halls were ruining my friend's vibe so we went upstairs. On the walk down the hallway we saw my friend who was sober and we both sketched out. It was weird because I knew he couldn't feel our vibes. We went back to the room and tripped a little more until we decided to go out for a smoke. It was dark and wet out and  saw a blind man who made me feel like I was blind. My friend felt bad because she knew the smoke was ruining both our euphoria but she needed it. We went back to the room and laughed some more then decided to see our friends and see how that went. We smoked some weed and my friend was starting to sober up. I was still tripping for a little longer. We decided to go out and party with our friends anyways. It was about 8:30 and we had our first round of shrooms at 2. But the second round around 4 was still coming in waves and I was feeling the vibes from everyone. My friend had a trippy grinder and I used that to know if I was still tripping because it was a kaleidoscope when I was on the mushrooms. We went back to my friends room, changed and I grabbed my phone and we grabbed drinks and weed. We went and drank and I felt weird because everyone seemed to talk with their ego when they were drunk. But it was just the shrooms making drunk people seem really weird. As I sobered up from the shrooms I got more drunk and high off weed so my head was never fully clear. I also felt a sadness saying goodbye to the emotional and beautiful trip I had. I had been so overcome with joy and euphoria and laughter that I didn't want to leave that. At the party I was just happy and loving everything and not worrying about social cues and stuff. The party was a lot of fun. around 1 we came back and realized I hadn't eaten anything since the shrooms (and only ate fish and chips before that) so I had a quick snack and went to bed ! Woke up realizing shrooms are the best thing ever. 

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