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5.5g Psilocybe Azurescen's
Incredibly enlightening, sometimes frightening.
So to start things off, i have tripped quite a few times before (around 15x) everytime i trip, its basically in the daylight and theyve always been moderate/level 3's or so, including lsd, 2ci, mushrooms, san pedro, lsa.
9pm; walking to the car with a pretty good friend. i decided to stay the night at his house instead, and we could trip together.
9:15pm; chomped down. 5.5 grams.
within 10 minutes i was getting strong tracers and feeling really light. the come up was terrible. it was like 40 minutes of anxiety and hanging out with his stupid ass 8th grade stepsisters, who thought she had eaten shrooms once when she had no idea what she was talking about.
i forgot my ipod in my car, which was parked like 3 minutes down the road, so i rode my skateboard over there. by this time it was dark, i was almost done "coming up" and feeling a lot better. the road was purplish, and dancing around like never before. my shadow of myself from the street light when i was riding back down looked so weird. my buddy lives in a nice suburban neighborhood, and i couldnt fucking find his house even though it was just one straight road. they all looked the same. i started getting kind of pissed, and then i saw him down the street a little and when we came up to each other it just both hit us full on. laughing non stop for about an hour at the lamest shit. we smoked like 7-8 cigarettes sitting on the sidewalk in front of his house. at this point i was having a great fucking time. the flame of my lighter looked more amazing then anything ive ever seen. but then i looked on the road and with the streetlight illumination on it, the patterns in the ground were coming off of the road and floating towards me.
at around 11 we decided to go inside. my mom called me for some reason, and we talked for a few minutes. (we were still outside at this time). for some reason this sent nervous thoughts into my head. we went inside his room and at that point on for about 45 minutes i started peaking. this was another bad time. my trip seemed to keep getting good, then bad, then good. i layed on his floor and the room was almost unrecognizable, it was moving so fucking much. i was naseous, very uncomfortable, and a little bit scared. i thought i was immune to bad trips, but i guess not. after about 45 minutes my negative feelings started to go away and i could start thinking very well and clearly. i thought about every single thing in the world. we turned the lights off and i flew in space while listening to the grateful deads music, and pink floyds dark side of the moon. beautiful geometric patterns where everywhere i looked. the feeling was extremely bittersweet because everything i was thinking about was connected somehow and it just showed how good life actually is. i felt really small, but that was okay. i felt like there was a funnel pouring thoughts and words and realization into my head and i was processing it as fast as i could. the music was more amazing then i had ever heard. it was just like the tiniest sounds, "they knew what the hell they were doing right here. i can relate so much." for some reason my hair was fascinating me. it seemed peoples personalities could be brought out in their hair, and i wouldnt be the same if i didnt have shoulder length hair because it just kind of describes my life right now. just weird shit like that always came into my mind. i missed my family a lot, and this made me very happy to see them the next day.
realization was bliss. i had always wanted to be a writer. journalist, novelist, just something. it was a passion and i had talent in it. (don't judge on this trip report, no grammar, punctuation, sentence structure or anything, just typed up in a few minutes). this is what i wanted to do with my life and i knew that's what i was fit for. not really an average life, but still underlying, and nothing crazy. i was happy with myself and how i as a person was turning out, although i still have many things to work on.
we alternated lights on, lights off. when the light was on everything was extremely colorful, even though everything was just a shade of green or orange. the room looked so distorted i didnt know exactly where or how the door opened. i wanted it to stay forever, but at the same time i wanted it to end so i could go back into the real world and look at things how i was right now, and use it.
at around 1:30 i started to come down. i went to the bathroom. i looked so peculiar, but i felt like i was reborn. this had been an incredible trip, it was shady at times but it made the good parts better. i had to sleep on the floor and i didnt fall asleep until around 2:30 because the thoughts were still coming to me lightly, and i was very uncomfortable on the floor.
i woke up at around 7 the next morning, and i felt perfect. awake, happy, content. i drove home and that leads me to now. i am going to work soon, and i'm ready, excited and happy for the future.
i dont really want to trip for a few months now. it just gave me so much to think about for now, i dont need anymore yet.
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