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Psilocybe stuntzii
Guzman, J. Ott
Guzman, J. Ott
Pileus (Cap):
(5-) 10-20 (-35) mm in diam., conic to convex, then campanulate or subumbonate, frequently subpapillate, becoming shallowly depressed at the disc or plane in the old specimens, glabrous, but with traces of silky white veil at the margin in young stages, even to slightly translucent striate at the margin when moist, viscid to lubricous, with cuticle removable, hygrophanous, dark reddish brown or orangish brown to olivaceous brown or fulvous brown, fading out to ochraceous or pale ochre tone, staining slightly greenish-blue when injured or with the age.
Lamellae (Gills):
adnate or sinuate or adnexed, yellowish brown at first, soon violet brown or chocolate brown to blackish violet, uniform or somewhat mottled, with whitish edges.
Stipe (stem):
(20-) 35-65 (-75) x (1.5-) 2-4 (-6) mm, equal or slightly enlarged at the base, cylindric or subcylindric, twisted striate at times, flexuous, glabrous to slightly fibrillose, dry, stuffed with white mycelium to hollow, white or whitish silky to ochraceous or brownish fibrillose; easily staining blue-green when injured or touched, mainly on the base, which finally becomes blackish.
Containing a veil that is a white, thin membrane forming an annulus, fragile and persistent, rarely absent (Plate 7), thin, white, smooth below but slightly striate above, with subgelatinous margin; easily bluing along the margin.
Microscopic Features:
Spores deep violaceous to dark violaceous purple.(8.2-) 9.3-10.4 (-13.5) X 6-7.1 (-7.7) x 5.5-6.6 um, subrhomboid in face view, Subellipsoid in side view, with a hilar appendage visible and a truncate apex with a broad germ pore, thick walled, dingy yellow brown. basidia: 16.5-33 x 5.5-8.8 um, 4-spored, hyaline, sterigmata 3-4.4 um long, subcylindric, with the median region slightly constricted. pleurocystidia: absent. cheilocystidia: 22-30 x 4.4-6.6 um, abundant, forming a sterile band, hyaline, lageniform, fusiform-lanceolate or fusoid-ampullaceous, with an elongate and flexuous neck, 1-2.2 um in diameter, sometimes irregularly branched. Subhymenium seemingly not cellular, with yellowish brown, hyphae with pigment irregularly incrusted and distributed on the hyphae walls. Trama regular with hyaline elongate cylindric or subglobose hyphae cells. Epicutis consisting of a thick pellicle with filamentous hyphae, moderately to strongly gelatinized, hyaline or yellowish, 1.6-5 um in diameter. Hypodermium of compact subglobose hyphae, 5-10 um diam., hyaline or more or less colores brownish to brownish red. The hyphae of the annulus hyaline, parallel to the surface, some gelatinized, 2-9 um diam. Yellow brown lactiferous hyphae 2-5 um diam. present in the hypodermium. Clamp connections present on all the hyphae.
August to December and is sometimes found rarely in the spring.
Habitat and Distribution:
Growing in the Pacific Northwest
Look in older lawns that are well kept. Parks, churches, court houses, government buildings, libraries, schools (around the edges, don't waste your time in the fields). Aslo in conifer mulch and bark chips.
HD MO Occurrence Map
Growth Habit:
P. stuntzii is found growing scattered to gregarious to cespitose, and very rarely singularly.
Bruising may not be heavy in this species. It does however have a blue ring around the stipe, and a blue margin and base when handled.
- Lvl.1 2.7g
- Lvl.2 4.6g
- Lvl.3 8.1g
- Lvl.4 12.1g
- Lvl.5 16.8g
Other Notes:
The mushroom is named in honor of mycologist Daniel Stuntz of the University of Washington. It was originally identified growing on the University of Washington campus.
Psilocybe stuntzii -MushroomObserver
Psilocybe stuntzii -Thread (NeoSporen) (video and pictures at the bottom)
Psilocybe stuntzii -Gallery (NeoSporen) (0427-0422 & 0201-0197)
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