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Psilocybe silvatica
(Peck) Singer & A.H. Sm.
(Peck) Singer & A.H. Sm.


Pileus (Cap):
0.8-2.5 cm broad. Obtusely conic to campanulate, and often with an acute umbo. Tawny dark brown when moist, fading to pale yellowish brown or grayish brown. Surface smooth, viscid when moist from a thin gelatinous pellicle that is barely separable, if at all.
Lamellae (Gills):
Attachment adnate to adnexed, close to subdistant, narrow to moderately broad. Colour dull grayish brown to cinnamon brown to smoky brown at maturity, with the edges remaining whitish.
Stipe (Stem):
20-80 mm long by 1-3 mm thick. Equal to slightly enlarged at the base, brittle, tubular, and somewhat flexuous. Pallid to brownish beneath a whitish fibrillose covering. Partial veil poorly developed, cortinate, thin to obscure, and soon absent.
Microscopic features:
Spores dark purplish brown in deposit, 6-9.5 by 4-5.5 microns from 4-spored basidia; sometimes 2-spored. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia 24-40 by 4.4-8.8 microns, fusoid ventricose to lageniform, with a long flexuous neck, 1.6-2.2 microns thick.
Late September to through December after cool, wet weather.
Habitat and Distribution:
wood debris or on wood chips or in well decayed conifer substratum. Sometimes fruiting in clear cuts with Psilocybe pelliculosa.

John W. Allen MO Occurrence Map
Growth Habit.
Small clusters or fruiting in troops.
Bruising may not appear on this species. It will be hard to see if there is any and it will be towards the base. Although you can check for primordial aborts at the base of a mature specimen and they often bruise blue.
Moderately weaker than Psilocybe semilanceata. From 20 to 40 fresh mushrooms, 1/3 of a fresh ounce or from 2 to 4 grams dried.
- Lvl.1 0.7g
- Lvl.2 1.5g
- Lvl.3 2.3g
- Lvl.4 3.2g
- Lvl.5 4.3g
Other Notes:
Are also found in higher elevations of 1000ft-2000ft where clear cuts are more common.
Psilocybe silvatica -MushroomObserver
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