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Psilocybe serbica
M.M. Moser, E. Horak
M.M. Moser, E. Horak
Pileus (Cap):
(1)2-4(5) cm in diameter and obtusely conical, later becoming campanulate or convex. It expands to broadly convex or plane in age and is incurved at first then plane or decurved with age. The cap is buff-brown to dingy orangish-brown and pale ochraceous when dry. It is smooth, hygrophanous, and slightly translucent-striate when moist but not viscid and without a separable gelatinous pellicle. The flesh is whitish to cream-colored.
Lamellae (Gills):
Adnate to adnexed and close, often distinctly subdecurrent. They are initially light brown, becoming dark brown with age with a purple tint, the edges remaining paler.
Stipe (Stem):
4.5-8(10) cm by 2-10 mm. It has an equal structure, slightly enlarging at the base. It is whitish with a silky gloss and glabrous, or with some whitish remnants of the fibrillose veil.
Microscopic features:
Spores are purple-brown, ellipsoid, slightly flattened, and thick-walled, with a distinct germ pore. The size is very variable, mostly 10-13 x 6-7.5 um, but also much longer.
June through November.
Habitat and Distribution:
Growing on well decayed deciduous and coniferous wood, on twigs, compost, plant residue, in forests, usually in moist places along creeks, forest path and roadside verges. Not reported to be synantropic.
Kocos MO Occurrence Map
Growth Habit:
Psilocybe serbica is found growing mostly in groups
Bruising blue when injured.
- Lvl.1 0.4g
- Lvl.2 0.8g
- Lvl.3 1.3g
- Lvl.4 2.1g
- Lvl.5 2.8g
Other Notes:
Psilocybin levels in this species were found to vary between 0.11% up to 1.34% by dry weight. The content of baeocystin and psilocybin was highest in the caps of the mushrooms.
Psilocybe serbica -MushroomObserver
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