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Panaeolopsis sp.
Pileus (Cap):
1- 3(4) cm across, Distinctly campanulate and inrolled at the margin to the pint where the margin and stipe touch, not expanding, grayish to tannish. drying to a straw-yellow or slightly olive-gray color, hygrophanous, smooth, sometimes striated or finely corrugated, flesh thick and firm.
Lamellae (Gills):
Adnate to adnexed, close, thin, pallid, mottled, slightly olive-greenish, becoming dark purplish gray-black in age.
Stipe (Stem):
4-6(7.5) cm by 3-4(6) mm thick, equal to slightly tapering at the base, hollow, brittle, pruinose and slightly striate, no veil remnants. Grayish to ochraceous, tan or purple at the base.
Microscopic features:
Late summer through December.
Habitat and Distribution:
Widely distributed across North America and has also been reported in other areas such as Australia and Bolivia. Well kept grass, in lawns, parks and around well manicured buildings. Growing in the taller darker grass where moisture is higher.
Lord Mayonnaise MO Occurrence Map
Growth Habit:
Grows scattered to gregariously.
Slight discoloration on the base of some specimens.
- Lvl.1 1.2g
- Lvl.2 2.1g
- Lvl.3 3.8g
- Lvl.4 5.8g
- Lvl.5 8.0g
Other Notes:
This is a secotioid genus that is closely related to Panaeolus. The mushrooms have very similar odor and texture to Panaeolus and are widely distributed in lawns. Some collections have brown gills and resemble Panaeolus foenisecii; Others have black gills and slight bluing on the stem base and resemble Panaeolus cinctulus.
Panaeolopsis sp. -MushroomObserver
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