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transformers 3
3 grams of shrooms
well me and my friends were planning this out for a couple weeks to do shrooms at transformers 3 and luckily the day it cme out my friend got some shrooms and i decided to eat three grams 45 minutes before it started so at around 845 i ate three grams while waiting in line. by the time we got seated (around 915) i was already feeling them kinda and was a little laughy. when the previews started the wals were alredy morphing and breathing. when the movie started i thought i was tripping but it was nothing compared to what hit me in about 5 minutes. there were so many open eyed visuals every where and the whole theater was twisting but the movie screen stayed in place. i though it was in 3-D becuse everything in the movie had a blue and red outline with geometric patterns all over the screen and walls. i was so hot that i had to leave the theater and i walked out to my friends car about 45 minutes before the movie was over while sitting in the car i was seeing a womans face on the door and looking at the stars was incredible the sky had a weird texture to it but all of the stars were playing around especialy the big dipper! when my friends came out i completely sobered up with the body high but sill had deep thinking and mad visuals on the way home everything was so fast and at my friends house everything was breathing and tuning and some stuff changing colors and everything the whole night had a pink tint to it. my first report dont know how good it was but crazy crazy trip!!!