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LSA. The first report.
500 Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds
arrived promptly at 11:45 on my front step. Only 16.49 plus tax and
shipping. A good deal for sure. I took them inside, opened each
packet and dumped them into the coffee grinder. A fine dust of plant
material went into a mason jar,followed by 1/4 a cup of warm, but not
boiling, water. After watching the first half of the Price is Right,
I decided it was time. I filtered the water and used the filtrate as
the base for some rather disgusting Kool-Aid.
Cold water
filtration does not remove all the stomach upsetting chemicals, but I
was willing to endure some nausea. Right when the second Showcase
Show Down started, my stomach went to aching. It was a feeling of
perpetual pre-vomit. Luckily, nothing happened.
Another hour gone
and still nothing. Apparently, LSA has a long trip curve. Still, I
was really hoping to hit peak before my parents got home.
minuets after thinking this, it started. It was more or less a slow
realization that I was completely content. It really did not matter
if Mum and Dad got home. I'd be tripping balls by then anyway. It
also hit me that watching TV is just making the countries problems
worse. I quickly turned off ESPN and went to play some vinyls. I got
to the stairs and realized that someone was at the back door. I
swiftly walked over and let my Mother in. A flurry of action and fuss
pursued. "Have you taken the garbage out? Can you go get me the
roast from the freezer? I have a little bit of computer work for
you." (I do her accounting for her business) It took me a second
to realize that my sister, and her baby boy, had accompanied my
mother inside. I was struck with a hundred thoughts about my new
little nephew. My mind played out whole days worth of what I thought
the child must see and experience. It was a little overwhelming; I
wanted to sit there all day and study this new little bundle of joy.
My sister quickly shook me from this thought pattern with one
question: "Why are your eyes so dilated?" Shit. "I've
been feeling sick today. I think I might have undercooked my
breakfast." Yes, super smooth; I was definitely out of the
frying pan now.
After some small talk, my mom reminded me of the
work I had to do. I seized the chance to retreat and quickly made a
break for the computer room. I sat down ready to get everything done
when I realized that I could not focus my eyes. It was the oddest
sensation. I kept trying to get the screen to unblur, but every time
I tried it just got harder to see. Finally I had to look away. I
collected myself and quickly dispatched the work. I threw the
finished invoices in the kitchen ad started upstairs. However, my
nephew began to cry, and I simply couldn't resist. I strode over and
picked him up out of his carrier. It was amazing. The full extent of
his cuteness hit me like a ton of bricks. I new right then that I
wanted nothing more than to sit there all day and hold the little
bugger. Of course, it was not meant to be. He began crying for his
milk, and I had to give him up to my sister. Genuinely felt depressed
afterwards. I went upstairs full of sad thoughts. I was in a mind
loop of "I really wanted to play with him. Man, I really wanted
to play with him." However, I knew that I needed to break out of
this so as to not kill my trip. Thankfully, fate was on my side.
soon as I stepped inside my room, I knew something had changed. It
was like a light bulb coming on. The colors of my room hopped out at
me. My room is a little weirdly shaped. It's half a rectangle, and
half a half-decagon. However, what I saw was one smooth curve. It
took me awhile to grasp that the half-decagon was really there, and
that's when I realized the hilarity of it. I mean, who builds such an
odd room. I lost control. I simply could not stop laughing at the
oddness. I finally got up and tuned my PC on. It felt like it took a
year for it to common. I spent the months looking at the twister mat
I have pinned to my wall right behind my PC. I could have sworn at
the time that the colors where trying to reach out to each other.
Sadly, this would not last. I turned on the Dust Brothers Fight Club
CD and realized that the music was beautiful. I looked back up at the
Twister mat and realized the illusion had gone away. I really didn't
want to sit at my computer all day and websurf, so I picked up
"Readers Digest:Laughter, the Best Medicine. A Compilation"
and set about reading it. I spent the next 2 and a half hours
appreciating the music and reading the book. I never had any more
visual distortion or otherwise. I really only had my heightened
appreciation of music. However, at about 6:45 that night, I got up
for dinner, and noticed my legs felt like I had gone hiking. This
concerned me; nothing I had read had ever mentioned leg fatigue. I
don't know what it was, but it was gone the next day.
experience was definitely fun. I had a blast and the music I listened
to was amazing. I was completely content. I would recommend using LSA
to anyone. However, I believe that I did not get the whole
experience. I (hopefully) have some Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds on
the way, and I will gladly report how that goes down.