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If you are nervous about trying mushrooms--read this and be reassured.

My only hope for this trip report is that at least one inexperienced individual in regards to psychedelics will read it and take the leap of faith that first or second or maybe even third trip requires.

Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 120 lbs

Taken: 2 grams in tea


            My only hope for this trip report is that at least one inexperienced individual in regards to psychedelics will read it and take the leap of faith that first or second or maybe even third trip requires. There is always nervousness and wondering whether it’s really worth it to try mushrooms, and I would just hope that question will be answered with an affirmative, “Yes. It most certainly is.” This was my fifth mushroom trip, and the most meaningful psychedelic experience I have ever had.

Being an artist, I had been looking to trip for some time to find inspiration after a particularly influential trip about six months ago. Two failed attempts, a bad trip and a weak one, had already gotten me discouraged about the likelihood of much of anything positive happening again, and I was beginning to doubt that mushrooms were for me after all. Over the preceding weeks I had become greatly discouraged about my sketcher’s block (inability to draw for no apparent reason) I had been experiencing, and set out with the hope to search inside myself during this trip and find the cause of my diminishing skill and solve it.

We decided to wake up at 4:00 AM, all but one of us having spent the night at R’s house. J, the only missing member of our party ended up not being able to come, and after the brief setback of trying to get in contact with him, we took our mushrooms, R and I drinking the 5 gram potency tea I had prepared the night before, me drinking 2 grams worth and R 3, while A and Z ate theirs, both 3 grams worth. While Z and I lay inside, A and R walked outside to the backyard to watch the sun rise. Z was a little disappointed that he didn’t feel the effects at first because the rest of us had begun to trip already. Although I drank the tea slowly, I began to feel the effects quickly and strongly. Laying down on the couch, listening to MGMT’s Kids, I started seeing the most amazing visuals. Every instrumental sound had its own embodiment as one of many various cartoon foxes cut out of bright colored construction paper dancing to the beat, though I hadn’t really realized how hard I was tripping until, at the end of the very upbeat sounding song, when a drum interlude broke off a draining solo back to the powerful, emotional chorus, and I looked over at the kitchen which had now turned every shade of red, orange, and yellow. Suddenly, as if I was in the bottom of a cup having soft-serve frozen yogurt poured into it, the kitchen blended together in a saturated swirl of warm colors, I was rapidly plunged into a tunnel of beautiful sound and color. I had never had open-eye visuals this vivid before, where I was not able to see any of my surroundings, so, a little startled, I hopped off the couch, taking off my headphones, and instantly the hallucinations subdued. I walked outside to join my friends, and truly realized for the first time why psychedelics and nature come hand in hand for most people. I lay down with my friends, Z following me, on the blankets and stared up at the lime green, kite-shaped leaves of a large oak tree in front of the purplish-red sunrise in awe. It looked as if the leaves were just small teeth in the gears of the large clockwork contraption the tree had become, all twirling and vibrating in unison. As I turned my gaze to a small gathering of shrubs and trees overhanging a small clubhouse R had made as a kid, illuminated by the beautiful sunrise which was now a deep pthalo blue, I gasped. I had never seen anything this spectacular in my life. The beauty was stunning. So many hues, all so impeccably saturated, it was amazing. Everything seemed to glow with some powerful electricity. Every object’s energy was visible and breathtaking.

A good deal of time passed, and Z had gone back inside to eat something while R and I lay outside talking. Suddenly, Z burst from the house laughing hysterically, yogurt in his beard, gesturing towards the spoonful of yogurt he held in his other hand as if it said something hilarious we had all just missed. I began to laugh painfully hard, as well. All these good vibes got me in the most uncontrollable state of euphoria I had ever felt, which lasted for the rest of my trip. I spent much of the trip just giggling and jumping up and down and biting my sketchbook to control my urge to yell out, “I LOVE MUSHROOMS SO FUCKING MUCH!”

Now that we were all tripping fairly hard, we resolved to take a walk to a nearby donut shop for breakfast… barefoot. We were all so in-tune with nature that we did not feel it would be respectful of us to wear shoes, or even keep our phones and iPods with us. It even went so far that when I developed a rather painful, persistent headache, I refused to take aspirin or any other type of medication, because drinking water was the way nature preferred me to deal with my ailments (lol). I find it very interesting, looking back on this trip, that while I was tripping too hard to understand what I was saying at some points—something that had scared me quite a bit a few trips before—I was not frightened at all. It was more just amusing and caused more giggling.

We set out down R’s street, all absolutely ecstatic and laughing our heads off, having conversations about how the world is so consumed with its pathetic routine while we were so carefree and content with just a summer morning spent on hallucinogens. When a nice BMW came roaring down the street with the license plate, “IM A BMR,” A yelled after it, “Yeah, you’re a Beamer! And that’s all you’ll ever be! That’s all your life is worth!” and I followed, “Hurry! Gotta get to work! You’ll be late to cheat on your wife with your secretary and cower to your boss!” We all laughed hysterically and were pleased beyond imagination with our current situation. I turned back to ask Z a question and noticed he was about 20 feet behind us staring at a large flower we had passed in someone’s lawn. I couldn’t stop laughing as I yelled to him to catch up. He briskly walked about 10 feet, and then paused, looking at the street as if an idea occurred to him. He crouched down in the middle of the road holding up a finger for us to wait while he stared down the road in the other direction. He later explained that he was able to see the Earth’s curvature bending in all directions around him and thought he was at a point of great significance on the planet. Meanwhile, R had become greatly amused with a telephone pole and all the nails stuck in it.

We ran across the 6 lanes of street we had to cross to get to the donut shop, pausing on the median for Z who was lagging behind again. When he caught up with us, I absent-mindedly turned and began to step into the road, only to be stopped by R screaming and pulling me back from walking directly into the rather thick flow of traffic coming that way. I didn’t think anything of the fact that I almost died, though. I just thought it was funny and started thinking about how fragile life was and how secure humans are in their existence.

            We arrived at the donut shop, and after a bit of confusion between the Korean cashier who spoke little to no English and A, who was tripping his balls off, we set out to cross another street to the most beautiful park I have ever gone to. For a Texas summer morning, it was surprisingly brisk and refreshing. After sitting at a picnic table to rest, I tried to eat my one Kolache A had bought me, but after taking a bite and realizing I couldn’t swallow, I said, “You get back in the bag.” and giggling, I spit the bite back in and discarded the food in a trash can. R had to use the restroom, so he ran off to the woods, and Z, A, and I walked off to a beautiful clearing. The sky, aside from some clouds, was such a vibrant blue, and the wet, bright greens of the dew covered grass and trees seemed to greet it in a caring, supporting way. Z offered us all Djarum Blacks, my favorite cigarette, but I didn’t feel it would be appropriate to smoke them in such a pure state of existence. I wanted nothing affecting my brain but these godly shrooms. It was then that I looked up and saw one of the most awe-inspiring sights of my trip. The sun was now shining on some enormous, fluffy clouds, turning their bluish-grey color golden-white on the top and one side. I really believe I saw heaven. If I were to die and go to a state of eternal bliss, I would ask for nothing more but to reside in one of those clouds. My breath taken away, I went off and sat down in a dried-up creek bed, watching two squirrels frolicking in the trees. The brown trees, leaves, and dirt seemed to adopt a deep red glow seeping through their cracks. R appeared after a bit, saying he got sidetracked and just sat down in the woods for awhile. R began to draw, and I watched, astounded. I have always loved his art, and he is my biggest source of inspiration, I suppose. I was a little discouraged, and I think he noticed, because he told me to start drawing. I tried to explain again that I was having a lot of trouble lately, and for some reason I was blocked. He then told me, “Just draw. It doesn’t matter how it looks or what it is. It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not. Just draw. Isn’t that what you want?” I paused, thinking about the advice I had just heard. It clicked. I looked up, grinning. “I broke it,” I said. I was so incredibly happy. R just laughed and went back to drawing. I got out my sketchbook and began to draw, the ideas flowing from my pencil in a way I had not felt in weeks. We all had some amazing conversations, about how much we appreciated each other as friends, and how great it was we were able to share this experience. We all laughed our asses off when I pointed out a conversation that had been going on for a few minutes that consisted of not much more than pronouns and prepositions (“It’s just that is like that, and this is just…. It. This is what it is. That’s nothing. Etc.”)

            We returned to R’s house after a bit longer at the park, and put on Homogenic by Bjork. Everyone else there likes her quite a bit, but it was the first time I had ever heard her. I lay on R’s parents’ waterbed listening to Joga, and I truly thought her voice was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I was coming down by now, and had to go to a dentist appointment, and as I reflected on my trip, thinking about how I had accomplished my goal of breaking my sketcher’s block, as well as so much more, all I could do was smile. “I knew there was a reason I kept trying to do shrooms after the bad trips,” I commented to A. He laughed.

            If there is any doubt in your mind about whether or not you should try mushrooms, let this trip report be all the motivation you need. I cannot express greatly enough to you the sense of elation and well-being I felt that morning. I am closer to each of those friends now because of it, and I solved a quite depressing problem in my life. Of course, we had about the best set and setting you could ask for, and not every trip is this good, but with the right environment and mindset, you will be astounded with what your brain can achieve under the influence of psilocybin.

            Sorry about the length, but there were just so many parts I felt I needed to include. Happy tripping, and good luck.

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